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Aspiring Trainer
pokemon 21

4-3-4 Garchomp ( dragon intimidation)
4 smeargle
1 rotom
2 uxie
1 azelf
2 unown q

trainer 29

2 communication
3 rare candy
1 luxury ball
4 lost remover
2 expert belt
3 bts
1 black belt
3 collector
3 bebes
3 seeker
2 pont
1 palmer
1 vs seeker

energy 11

1 elec
4 rescue
4 double colorless
2 cyclone energy

starting witch smeargle to get some copy of trainer card meanwhile get your garchomp up and rotom to do some dmg rotom is good for pokemon who got to many energy to do a lot of dmg with garchop u can use lost remover to discard special erngy from your opponent to do more dmg with garchomp everyone use special energy cards these days so that must not be a problem i hope this deck is a good idee helping with some card wood be nice thx
I think 3 pont is a little much for one deck, maybe consider a third candy or third BTS for consistency. An Azelf would help in case something gets prized and you need it. Instead of Cheerleaders, if you are wanting to draw, go with Team Rockets Trickery, yes you are drawing one less card, but they lose one instead of gaining one. You may want to run Warp Energy so you can warp your Garchomp to your bench to seeker it up to heal. Just an idea.
i shal look for the update exept the warp energy garchomp gots a free retreat so i dont need that

thx for the update
-1 rotom
-3 cheerleaders
-1 bebes
-1 lucians assignment
-1 pont
-4 elec

I took out some supports so you can put better more consistent cards in and energy because there is better options. Rotom is counter to your strategy while pokemon should have low amounts of energy with 4 lost remover and garchomps body

+1 Pokemon Collector
+2 Recue Energy
+1 Broken Time Space
+1 Rare Candy
+2 Cyclone energy
+1 VS seeker
+1 seeker
+2 Unown Q

made it faster with the candy and BTS cyclone for disruption and rescue for recvo vs seeker for more options seeker for recovery and unown Q so you can retreat smeargle.