Gardalade, BEWARE!


Aspiring Trainer
can't wait for nationals. it s going to be a thrill ride with more than 300 people. and if I got 6th place in states, my chances of wining nationals is pretty low. with Garchomp LV.X in players' decks, it's gonna be a long-shot for the players who are currently using Gardalade. it would be nice if they made a LV.X that was especily made to destroy Garchomp LV.X. if it were me, I would. but who am I to argue with the manager of the greatest thing in the universe, Pokemon.[/color]
Im not sure if garchomp Lv.x is so good to kill a gardellade. But i havent played it, maybe it can give us a surprise!!!
no. gardelade can beat it. too quik. i might tech in a crystal shard or two just incase :)
I play Gardelade with Cresselia tech. My dad used to play Garchomp, and Restore suprizingly isn't a big part of it. If you can keep for 110, it's pretty wicked on Gardelade. Dragon Pulse isn't a picnic either. Besides, you can only one-hit-KO a Garchomp once. I used to tech in Dusknoir for late in the game.
furroshi man said:
also, does anyone have confirmation that chomps gunna be played a ton?
It will be played at nats. Not in the emo/plox numbers, but it will show up so be ready. Although teching for the deck is
If your worried about Chomp, you could run 1-1 or 2-2 Blissey or Lickilicky. Blissey can even act as a substitute Claydol if your 'dols have been or prized or what not.