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Garden Squad- Exadrill-EX / Serperior / Genesect


Aspiring Trainer
  • 3 Snivy(BW)
  • 3 Serperior(BW)
  • 3 Exadrill-EX(LT)
  • 4 Trubbish(NV)
  • 2 Genesect(LT)
  • 2 Virizion-EX

  • 2 Professor Juniper
  • 4 N
  • 4 Pokedex(BW)
  • 4 Pokemon Communication(BW)
  • 3 Rare Candy
  • 3 Super Rod
  • 3 Skyla
  • 2 level ball

  • 10 Grass
  • 5 fighting
  • 3DCE

Strategy- the idea of this deck was to use Exadrill-EX dig out attack to search out energy while Virizion and Serperior help move around the grass energy taking advantage of Virizion verdant wind and powering up Genesect Gaia blaster atk. Trubbish is there to pick up any unwanted discards from dig out.
RE: Garden Squad- Exadrill-EX/Serperior/Genesect

What's the strategy? I.e., what is it your deck is designed to do?
RE: Garden Squad- Exadrill-EX/Serperior/Genesect

The Trubbish you are using are no longer in format. If you wanted something to pull Trainers out of the discard, then there are cards like Sableye, Durant DRX, Phione LT, but I wouldn't suggest more than one. It seems like you're powering up a Pokemon in order to power up another Pokemon in order to power up your main attacker. I would take out Excadrill and just use Virizion for accelerating energy. Pokedex and Pokemon Communication have also rotated out, so I would replace them with 2 Ultra Ball, 2 Colress, 1 Juniper, 2 Escape Rope, and an Ace Spec of your choice. You can't go wrong with Computer Search. Another card you might want to include in larger quantities in Silver Bangle, since your main attacker is a non EX. That should be a good place to start. Hope this helps!
Pokemon Communication, Trubbish and Pokedex are all out of format. You also have a lot of energy, and you wont need 3 super rod.

-4 Pokedex
-4 Pokemon Communication
-4 Trubbish
-1 Super rod
-3 Grass energy
-1 Fighting Energy

+2 Juniper
+3 Ultra Ball
+2 Heavy Ball
+2 Lunatone
+1 Skyla
+1 Phione
+1 Servine (any in format one)
+1 Ace Spec (Any would do, Computer Search or Dowsing Machine would be best, but you could also use scoop up cyclone to get cards back into your hand)
+2 Switch
+2 Silver Bangle

This should shore up your deck some. The above poster has some good points as well!