Ruling Gardevoir Ex D

Lou Cypher

The melody of your defeat
I know this sounds weird coming from me, but I need some confirmation about Gardevoir Ex Delta.

Its attack reads:

You may more a Fire Energy card attached to Gardevoir ex to 1 of your Benched Pokémon.

Now, when I was playing with it and had Altaria Ex on my bench, I used its attack to move a Holon's Castform from itself to Altaria. My opponent, who happens to be a judge as well, claimed I could not as it had to be specifically a Fire Energy CARD. However, another judge (head judge at the tournament) explained to us that Gardevoir COULD move the Castform, as it was to be considered Fire Energy at this point.

So who is right? I need some clarification before the states championships I have next week.
I base my answer on this scan...


...and this ruling:

The Compendium said:
== LIGHTNING BURST (Rocket's Raikou EX - EX:Deoxys)

Q. Can you use Rocket's Raikou-EX's "Lightning Burst" Poké-POWER when you attach a Dark Metal Energy and Rocket Energy from your hand to it? Or is "Darkness Energy Card" the only card you can attach in order to activate the Power? And what about Rainbow Energy??
A. Yes, anything that provides Darkness Energy when attached will activate Lightning Burst. The only one that would NOT work would be attaching a Multi Energy when there's already another Special Energy Card attached to Rocket's Raikou-EX. (Jun 23, 2005 PUI Rules Team)

Rocket's Raikou ex also states "Energy card", but as you can see it is ruled that anything that provides Darkness will trigger it.

Because of this, I would say that yes you can move the Holon's Castform because it is providing Fire Energy at the time of the attack. Similar to the Raikou ruling, if you had Multi Energy and Holon's Castform attached to Gardevoir ex, you couldn't move the Multi since it is not providing Fire when the attack was performed.
Yes you could move a holon's castaform. This came up recently in the Ask the Masters section over on PokeGym. Apparently some judges thought that the word CARD = BASIC ENERGY CARD ... however Pop and some others basically told them that they were wrong. Any "card" that provides fire energy at the time of the attack can be moved be it a basic fire or a castform or whatever. If they meant for Gardi to only be able to mvoe basic fire energy the would have put the word "Basic" somewhere in the attack.
One, two, three ... it doesn't matter how many energies the one card provides as long at it is providing fire energy at the time of the attack it can be moved.