Ruling Gardevoir ex d

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er... Hello?
(R)(C)(C) Flame Ball                    80

You may move a (R) Energy card attached to Gardevoir ex to 1 of your Benched Pokemon.
If I have a Holon's Castform and a (R) energy attached to it, may I move the Holon's Castform to my Benched Pokemon?

If I have a Holon's Castform and a (P) energy attached to it, may I move the Holon's Castform to my Benced Pokemon?
the answer would be yes to both question. As long as the the card that provide fire energy to Gardevoir ex d, you ay move it to your benched.
Clmnt_86 said:
the answer would be yes to both question. As long as the the card that provide fire energy to Gardevoir ex d, you ay move it to your benched.
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