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GarGrowth (Any)


See you space cowboy...
2-2 Garchomp C LVX
4-3-1 Tangrowth X (SF-CoL-ARX)
3 Celebi Prime
1 Smeargle
1 Unown Q
2 Uxie
1 Azelf

3 Collector
3 Bebe
2 Engineers
3 Cyrus
2 Poketurn
2 Energy gain
2 SP Radar
2 Premier Ball
1 Expert Belt
1 Palmer's

10 Grass
4 Rescue


Start with Celebi Prime and a garchomp on the bench, use forest breath to attach a grass energy to garchomp then next turn or same turn attach another grass energy. Attach an energy gain to garchomp send him up, level him up then use dragon rush discarding 2 grass energy. Keep doing this to get easy prizes until garchomp is taken out, all the while setting up a tangrowth col. Bring up tangrowth level him up use big growth and attach all the energy i discarded to tangrowth and then use grind to k.o.

Engineers to help discard grass energy. Also i couldnt decide on aarons or palmers so i put both in. thinking i should add some seekers.

Comments and suggestiong are welcomed.

RR-on list


2-2 Garchomp
4-3-1 Tangrowth X
4 Celebi
1-1 Dodrio UD

3 coll
3 bebe
2 Engin
2 IQ
2 Junkarm
3 Comm
2 EBElt
3 Switch
1 Energy Exchanger
1 Palmer

14 Grass
4 Rescue
I've seen this work. I don't think Tangrowth is completely necessary, considering you'll need to use Forest Breath on Chomp to continue the sniping. Also, you might need one more Unown Q if you want it to be consistent enough to retreat multiple times with Celebi.
^ tangrowth is the best part!
Attach energy to chomp, use celebi to attach second energy, search for Q, retreat and garchomp C active then drop the X down dragon rush boom! keep doing this discarding the two energys then when the tangrowth goes active, level X down and all the energys you lost with garchomp are back on your tangrowth!

If that was say 2 dragon rushes, that would be 80 dmg, he should already have maybe 1 energy on it from the turn it went active, making it 100 dmg, 120 with belt, or 140 if he was lucky enough to get a DCE on it the turn it went active (before grabing all the energy from discard)

I think it looks fun, I wanna try it :p
Exactly cole'a!

and go ahead and try it, maybe you can find a way to improve it.

Ebelt sounds good dont know what to take out though, as well as another Q for celebi....hmm i can definitely take out crobat.
yeah with the damage output tangrowth would be doing, i'd say droping a crobat wouldnt hurt to much

And garchomp is going to be destroying any basic, pixie, any other lower HP poke left sitting on bench and by the time he dies and tangrowth comes out he should be knocking most things out pretty quickly

I am not good with T/S/S lines yet, as im quite new and only starting to perfect my decks properly and effectivly now myself. But see if you can fit in a skyform Shaymin from UL, or lucians. Well let you transfer energys from a dieing tangrowth to a healthy benched one. Then when it goes out its ready to rock and roll

Also +2 to your awesome count Avacado, as your named after the best possible addition to any chicken burger :D and you have a cowboy bebop quote
Bump, took out poke turns because i took out crobat g and found them useless and more of a convenience than a necessity.

added in some seeker and junk arm to help discard grass.

i have on spot open and dont know what to put in it's spot; i was considering an expert belt or a communication or energy exchanger or maybe a Twins.... i put in a communication for now but am open to suggestions.
All are welcomed to try it for themselves.

shaymin couldnt hurt but thats another LVL X to get out, I'll try it and see.

and the EBELT.
Have started building this hahaha! all I need is smeagle, unknown Q and the premiere balls!

Will let you know how testing goes and give you any extra help I can
the landform shaymin is another good idea though, but like you said getting out another level X can be tricky
So i tested it some more and i think that my first thought of using warp for celebi or a damaged tangrowth, followed by seekering up the tangrowth, doesnt really work out too well.

This is because when i have my tangrowth out it is usually leveled up'd, fully loaded with tons of energy and if im lucky with an e-belt; so if it's damaged picking it up with the warp/seeker combo with all those energies attached will just be putting the work of discarding the grass energies down the drain just to save my tanked out tangrowth, all the energies are useless in my hand they need to be on tangrowth or in the discard so i can big growth them.

Because of that i decided to ditch seeker's and warp for poketurn and rescue. I decided on putting poke turn back because there is a constant switching back and forth with celebi and garchomp lv X ( unown q works but thats just for one celebi, probably should add one more hmmm....Yoshidude was right! lol) so i can poketurn an active garchomp send celebi forest breath and retreat celebi etc...

Rescue is so i can keep me tangrowth X and lose my grass energies, then bring up another tangrowth level him up and big growth all them energies again.

I took out Junk arm because i was discarding energies well enough with out it....

still havent tried shaymin yet but will!