2-2 Garchomp C LVX
4-3-1 Tangrowth X (SF-CoL-ARX)
3 Celebi Prime
1 Smeargle
1 Unown Q
2 Uxie
1 Azelf
3 Collector
3 Bebe
2 Engineers
3 Cyrus
2 Poketurn
2 Energy gain
2 SP Radar
2 Premier Ball
1 Expert Belt
1 Palmer's
10 Grass
4 Rescue
Start with Celebi Prime and a garchomp on the bench, use forest breath to attach a grass energy to garchomp then next turn or same turn attach another grass energy. Attach an energy gain to garchomp send him up, level him up then use dragon rush discarding 2 grass energy. Keep doing this to get easy prizes until garchomp is taken out, all the while setting up a tangrowth col. Bring up tangrowth level him up use big growth and attach all the energy i discarded to tangrowth and then use grind to k.o.
Engineers to help discard grass energy. Also i couldnt decide on aarons or palmers so i put both in. thinking i should add some seekers.
Comments and suggestiong are welcomed.
RR-on list
2-2 Garchomp
4-3-1 Tangrowth X
4 Celebi
1-1 Dodrio UD
3 coll
3 bebe
2 Engin
2 IQ
2 Junkarm
3 Comm
2 EBElt
3 Switch
1 Energy Exchanger
1 Palmer
14 Grass
4 Rescue
2-2 Garchomp C LVX
4-3-1 Tangrowth X (SF-CoL-ARX)
3 Celebi Prime
1 Smeargle
1 Unown Q
2 Uxie
1 Azelf
3 Collector
3 Bebe
2 Engineers
3 Cyrus
2 Poketurn
2 Energy gain
2 SP Radar
2 Premier Ball
1 Expert Belt
1 Palmer's
10 Grass
4 Rescue
Start with Celebi Prime and a garchomp on the bench, use forest breath to attach a grass energy to garchomp then next turn or same turn attach another grass energy. Attach an energy gain to garchomp send him up, level him up then use dragon rush discarding 2 grass energy. Keep doing this to get easy prizes until garchomp is taken out, all the while setting up a tangrowth col. Bring up tangrowth level him up use big growth and attach all the energy i discarded to tangrowth and then use grind to k.o.
Engineers to help discard grass energy. Also i couldnt decide on aarons or palmers so i put both in. thinking i should add some seekers.
Comments and suggestiong are welcomed.
RR-on list
2-2 Garchomp
4-3-1 Tangrowth X
4 Celebi
1-1 Dodrio UD
3 coll
3 bebe
2 Engin
2 IQ
2 Junkarm
3 Comm
2 EBElt
3 Switch
1 Energy Exchanger
1 Palmer
14 Grass
4 Rescue