Ruling GE Swampert's PP


Aspiring Trainer
Can GE Swampert's poke power move scramble energies? The power reads: " may move a Water or Fighting Energy attached to 1 of your benched pokemon to your Active Pokemon." It says nothing about basic energy, so I'm assuming you can move activated scrambles, correct?
No, it is elementry grammar. Instead of saying Water energy and Fighting energy, you just say energy on the second item listed. It only refers to water and fighting energies, no others.
I'd assume so. If we go with the rulling on Electivire DP (you can move any electric energy to iself), then yes.
The Electivire question came up when a lot of people started running Electigon (Electivire/Flygon d). The question was could Electivire move an Delta Rainbow Energy from a Flygon d to itself. The answer is yes, because dRE Provides and Electric energy while on Flygon d, but when moved to Electivire, turns colorless.
So, I'm pretty sure the answer is yes.
As long as the card doesn't specify "BASIC" energy "CARDS", then it can move anything that provides it.