I came 2nd at a Regionals here in Denmark (hurray!). In the finals I come up against a Empoleon deck and I see that as a hard counter to my Blastoise deck, so I wondered if there was a specific card any of you guys use to make this matchup a lot easier? Or if you could help me find a card which fits these requirements I would love it:
>Lightning type
>Most at MAX cost 1 lightning and 3 colorless or water energies
>130 hp would be the best
>Capable of dealing 70 without hurting itself.
I have only seen 1 card so which fits these and that is Zekrom.
Changed thread to the General Empoleon Discussion ~Camoclone
>Lightning type
>Most at MAX cost 1 lightning and 3 colorless or water energies
>130 hp would be the best
>Capable of dealing 70 without hurting itself.
I have only seen 1 card so which fits these and that is Zekrom.
Changed thread to the General Empoleon Discussion ~Camoclone