Ruling General Questions


Up in yo grill
1. When you use a great ball to play uxie does uxie's power still take affect?

2. Can things like quick ball, bebe's and night maintenance that don't specifically exclude level x's get you level x's?
1- No,because you have to play it from the deck,not from the hand.
2- I guess you can since LV.X´s are pokemons.And in those cards it never says,"(Excluding any LV.X pokemons)"
Saying things more clearly..

1. Uxie's Poke-Power can only be activated if you Play Uxie from your hand onto your bench. Since Great Ball takes Pokemon straight from your deck and puts them onto your bench, Uxie's power cannot be used. Same thing goes for Azelf, Mesprit, and other cards like Moltres.

2. Yes you can.