Pokemon Generation 5 new evo form


Aspiring Trainer
What do you guys think will be the new way for some pokemon to evolve in pokemon gen5?
They could do something crazy like a Pokemon that evolves when you make a secret base holding a certain item, or something to do with the underground.
4th gen had some unique evolution methods (such as Mantyke requiring Remoraid to be in your party). Perhaps they could have some more of that.

Feebas requiring 200-something Beauty points to evolve is also pretty unique. I'd like to see some more Contest-based evolutions.

I also want to see more Pokemon evolve with the Thunderstone. It hasn't been used since first gen.
PMJ said:
4th gen had some unique evolution methods (such as Mantyke requiring Remoraid to be in your party). Perhaps they could have some more of that.

Feebas requiring 200-something Beauty points to evolve is also pretty unique. I'd like to see some more Contest-based evolutions.

I also want to see more Pokemon evolve with the Thunderstone. It hasn't been used since first gen.

I thought I heard contests were going way.
maybe a new stone/item when leveling/trade item. that would be cool. new trade pokemon! yay. has there been a new trade pokemon since johto?
Magmar and Electabuzz got new evolutions through trading with an item in Generation IV.

New items when trading would not be a new idea, which they said they're going to have.
I want more stone evo's for the original stones. So far the Thunder and the Fire stone have the fewest evo's by stone
I want to see more level evolutions. To me that's one of the easiest ways to evolve Pokemon. (Next to stone evolutions.)

We need more Electric-type Pokemon to evolve via the Thunderstone. (Only Pikachu and Eevee evolve with it...)
I know what you mean Thunderstone wise. Maybe leveling up to a certin level, using an item on it then evolving. I personally want to see more use of the Shiny Stone, though since Zoroark is a Dark type it is almost certainly not evolving with it.
It would be interesting if maybe Zoura had to maybe obtain a certain number of EV's before evolving. Or maybe do something in battle, like kill a pokemon with a critical hit.
An EV evolution? Sorry, but for a person like me, who could care less about competitive battles, it'd be nearly impossible.
That's like saying for a person who cares less about contests, obtaining Milotic would be "nearly impossible." Getting a certain amount of EVs is not hard at all - it's actually a lot easier than getting a specific total in Contest stats, since you can re-do EV training.

It would likely not be a feasible evolution method, though, due to its difficulty to do during the main story. EVs are an advanced technique anyway; I'm not sure how many kids could wrap their heads around a concept like needing 200 Attack EVs to evolve.
Sweet Dawn Berlitz said:
An EV evolution? Sorry, but for a person like me, who could care less about competitive battles, it'd be nearly impossible.

I agree with you there. I also think that PMJ has got a point EV wise.
I want to see a mix of ever way to evolve: stone/friendship/time,day/leveling up/certain item.
Maybe they'll use the dusk stone.
Dislike at night would also be a interesting concept. Or maybe going to some special area with a special Pokemon.
After all, they mentioned something about Celibi, right? Maybe it's something to do with the time, like setting your DS's clock back.
I think it would be cool for pokemon to evolve by experiencing something while walking behind you or spending a certain amount of time/steps behind you, in my opinion it would be cool to see a pokemon to evolve right before my eyes.
Ventus said:
I think it would be cool for pokemon to evolve by experiencing something while walking behind you or spending a certain amount of time/steps behind you, in my opinion it would be cool to see a pokemon to evolve right before my eyes.

That is how an egg hatches.
I think it would be good if only certain trainers had the stone like... A Lass had a Psy Stone (not real) and you had to find her somewhere in that region, I think that would be great!

Also maybe they can only evolve in certain places, I don't think that happened in Gen4 (did it?)