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Genesect EX / Virizion EX / Yveltal EX


Aspiring Trainer
I am aware this needs help!

Pokemon: 9

  • 3 Virizion EX
    2 Genesect EX
    2-2 Beartic
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 36

  • 4 Professor Juniper
    3 N
    1 Shauna
    3 Skyla
    1 Lysandre's Trump Card
    1 Shadow Triad
    2 VS Seeker

    2 Enhanced Hammer
    2 Energy Switch
    3 Muscle Band
    3 Switch
    1 Startling Megaphone
    3 Ultra Ball
    1 Tool Retriever
    1 Colress Machine
    1 Escape Rope
    1 G Booster ACESPEC

    2 Plasma Frigate
Energy: 12

  • 8 Grass Energy
    4 Plasma Energy


This deck puts a twist on the modern competitor for the BDIF, Genesect Virizion. What you do is you Emerald Slash energies onto BOTH Yveltal and Genesect. Next if Virizion gets knocked out or you are finished slashing, you put up Yveltal and Y Cyclone energies onto Genesect until it has enough to G Booster for the game.

Please comment because I'd like some help!

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
-1 Lysandre's Trump Card - You should never need more than one with VS Seeker. You can literally use it over and over again with that card.
-3 Roller Skates - Not consistent draw; doesn't work well in this deck.
-2 Crushing Hammer
-2 Pokemon Catcher
-2 Grass Energy -
Too much Energy.
-1 Darkness Energy

+1 Genesect EX -
Even with other attackers, I still think you need to play 3 Genesect. Your strategy is still to set up G Booster.
+1 Professor Juniper - Better draw.
+1 N
+1 Colress
+1 Lysandre -
More consistent than Pokemon Catcher since it doesn't rely on a flip. It does take your Supporter for a turn, but you also have Red Signal.
+2 Enhanced Hammer - There's a lot of special Energy in format, so this is probably better than Crushing Hammer. I don't like cards that require flips.
+2 Switch - You need ways to get Virizion active by turn 2 without wasting Energy attachments to retreat so that you can Emerald Slash as soon as possible.
+1 Energy Switch
+1 Tool Retrieval -
Helps out with annoying Head Ringers making you miss the turn 2 Emerald Slash and keeping you from playing your G Booster

Hope this was helpful!
This would be your new list if you took all of Mora's recommendations (which imo is a good idea).

Pokemon: 8
3 Virizion EX
3 Genesect EX
2 Yveltal EX

Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 37
4 Professor Juniper
4 N
3 Skyla
1 Colress
1 Lysandre
1 Lysandre's Trump Card
1 Shadow Triad
2 VS Seeker

3 Energy Switch
2 Muscle Band
2 Startling Megaphone
2 Enhanced Hammer
2 Team Plasma Ball
2 Ultra Ball
2 Switch
1 Escape Rope
1 Tool Retriever
1 G Booster ACE-SPEC

2 Shadow Circle

Energy: 15
8 Grass Energy
3 Darkness Energy
4 Plasma Energy

From there, I would make a few more changes.
-2 Team Plasma Ball (if you add an extra Ultra Ball then there's no real need for these. You only have 3 Genesect)
-2 Shadow Circle (I don't think this is worth the space for your secondary attacker, but if you feel you really need it go ahead and keep it in)
-1 Startling Megaphone (Again, while the 2nd one may be useful, you're tight on space and I don't think it's worth the spot)

+1 Ultra Ball (higher chance of getting Virizion out T1)
+2 Muscle Band (useful for all of your attackers, and it stops Head Ringers)
+1 Deoxys EX (has a HUGE impact in matchups like Donphan where you need to hit the magic 130)
+1 Colress Machine (I think that in the current format the best chance VirGen decks have is to be aggressive, and with 3 Energy Switch and a Colress Machine you can set up Genesect in two turns or chain G Boosters.)

I would recommend having at least 9 energy, but I imagine Trump Card solves that problem. I think I might give that strategy a try in my own list.
Anyway, hope I was able to help, and good luck!
Okay so updating list. Can't add Deoxys because I need energy to attack with. Keeping Shadow Circle+ Megaphone.
-1 Trump Card
-3 Roller Skates
-2 Crushing Hammer
-2 Catcher
-2 Grass/-1 Dark Energy
-1 TP Ball (Would like an emergency one)

+1 Ultra Ball
+1 Colress Machine
+1 Juniper
+1 Shauna (Late Game Consistency)
+1 Lysandre
+2 Switch
+2 Enhanced Hammer
+1 Tool Retriever
+ 1 Muscle Band

Any other ideas?

I'm thinking of maybe a Mew EX or Mewtwo instead of a Deoxys, any thoughts or other ideas?
Deoxys isn't used as an attacker in this deck (although I have seen it played with one Psychic Energy for Deoxys to attack with). It's main role is boosting Genesect's damage output. With Muscle Band and Deoxys, you can Megalo Cannon for 130, which OHKO's Outragers and Donphan. You can also G Booster for 210 which is significant because it OHKO's M Manectric.
I still don't feel very strongly about it, but....

+1 Mr. Mime (Bench Protection)
-1 TP Ball

Also looking at new Birch's Observation card so maybe later...

+ 3 Birch's Observation
-3 N
AJAxeman said:
I still don't feel very strongly about it, but....

+1 Mr. Mime (Bench Protection)
-1 TP Ball

Also looking at new Birch's Observation card so maybe later...

+ 3 Birch's Observation
-3 N

N is for disruption in the late game, the flip on Birch's Observation could really affect your draw support.
Okay... for all who don't know what Birch's Observation does...

Shuffle your hand into your deck. Flip a coin. If heads draw 7 cards, if tails, draw 4.
N is still really good if you play it right. Honestly pretty broken with VS Seeker.
Mora said:
Deoxys isn't used as an attacker in this deck (although I have seen it played with one Psychic Energy for Deoxys to attack with). It's main role is boosting Genesect's damage output. With Muscle Band and Deoxys, you can Megalo Cannon for 130, which OHKO's Outragers and Donphan. You can also G Booster for 210 which is significant because it OHKO's M Manectric.

Btw depending on the matchup I can just put a muscle band. In my area, only my friend (Seismitoad deck) plays an Outrager.
Muscle Band only hits for 120. The difference between 120 and 100 is not nearly as important compared to 130 and 120. I suppose you can just settle with setting up KO's with 120 and the 20 snipe damage. Next turn, you could Red Signal the thing you put 20 on and hit the thing you attacked last turn with 20. But even putting 20 on an Outrager can be dangerous.
Should I maybe go the Beartic route then instead of Yveltal? With muscle band knocks out Reshiram, and donphan. I kinda just sold my Deoxys so...
Predicting if I do...

-1 Mr. Mime
-1 Startling Megaphone
-1 Grass Energy
-1 Dark Energy

+2-2 Beartic
I think you should go the Driftblim route.
I recommend:
-2-2 Beartic (Retreat cost is huge)
-2 Shadow Circle
-3 Dark energy
-2 Yveltal EX

+2-2 Driftblim
+3 Grass Energy
+1 N
+1 Tool Retriever (remove pesky Head ringers)
+1 Genesect EX
+1 Virizion EX
Gengar master said:
I think you should go the Driftblim route.
I recommend:
-2-2 Beartic (Retreat cost is huge)
-2 Shadow Circle
-3 Dark energy
-2 Yveltal EX

+2-2 Driftblim
+3 Grass Energy
+1 N
+1 Tool Retriever (remove pesky Head ringers)
+1 Genesect EX
+1 Virizion EX

I run switch, I'll be fine with Beartic

So here's officialy what I'm doing

-2 Yveltal EX
-2 Shadow Circle
-2 Darkness Energy

+2-2 Beartic (Counter)
+1 Switch (Beartic)
+1 Tool Retriever (Genesect+ Tool Fs)

Anything Else??