Genesect / Virizion Deck Ideas


Aspiring Trainer
Hey guys. Since the release of BP, Genesect/Virizion deck has been one of my favorite top 3 decks. I've been trying to come up with a strong Gen/Vir deck the past 2 weeks. Honestly, I was struggling and my win/lose ratio is 2/4. I have the necessary cards, but this deck is either missing energy switch or I am bad at it. I tried to run Virzion with plasma badge. It was hard to get both the badge and Colress machine in the first to three turns. So, I dropped the badges. Now, I run this deck with Hypnotoxic lasers which is better. People use Tropius or Bouffalant, but I use Tropius as he takes less energy to attack and his first attack can give me some hope. Charging up 2 different Pokemons that have 3 energy attack cost by virizion first attack is way too much, so I dropped Bouffalannt. I added Lugia, and this guy found his home deck with Virizion. He is so good in this deck

Right now I run this: Virizion>Genesect>Hypnotoxic, and supporters: Tropious/Lugia. Acespec: G Booster.

I am supposed to get worried when I see this deck, but I don't. I get concerned the most when I see a Darkrai deck. He's still good even with no energy switch. Do you guys think that Gen/Vir deck needs time to adjust for a better performance? Or will it be less competitive than other decks?
RE: Genesect/Virizion deck ideas

This in only my opinion.

I think VirGen is still very playable, but I think it was best shown in the KO2013 Henry Prier? I believe was running VerGen, and he showed that to be truly competitive, you need secondary/cheaper attackers. Tropious is good, Leafeon would be good I don't know an exact idea, but if you run Straight Virizion/Genesect, you will run into issues if they manage to take out your Virizion in the first few turns and/or if they discard your G-booster, you will have issues.
RE: Genesect/Virizion deck ideas

Cortel II said:
This in only my opinion.

I think VirGen is still very playable, but I think it was best shown in the KO2013 Henry Prier? I believe was running VerGen, and he showed that to be truly competitive, you need secondary/cheaper attackers. Tropious is good, Leafeon would be good I don't know an exact idea, but if you run Straight Virizion/Genesect, you will run into issues if they manage to take out your Virizion in the first few turns and/or if they discard your G-booster, you will have issues.

Thanks for posting. This is exactly what I was meaning. Virizion/Genesect alone are bad idea. I think this deck is missing some cards. Maybe we get them in the next sets.
RE: Genesect/Virizion deck ideas

I like the non-EX Genesect in Blast as well. Call for Family is underrated for how it can pull a Virizion out of the deck without any problems. Tropius should be a one-of. Return is crazy early game after you've played down everything, and it's so nice to be able to charge it up with Virizion-EX and be able to attack with it while placing that Energy attachment for the turn somewhere else. Tropius is cool because it can do 80 to an Active Darkrai so a Genesect-EX can come in for the KO on the Bench. (80 for two isn't terrible by any means either, but then again you're reliant on what your opponent has in play. /: )
RE: Genesect/Virizion deck ideas

I really like Lugia EX and a single copy of Deoxys EX. I am even toying around with making this more centered on Lugia as an attacker. I like the Deoxys because it gives better numbers for Lugia, Genesect, and even Virizion. Non-EX Genesect could be good in this deck because I like the Call For Family, but honestly I prefer Lugia/Deoxys.
RE: Genesect/Virizion deck ideas

Enegry Switch would go great in this deck if it gets reprinted.
Right now I'm testing it with four copies of both gen/vir but I also try four copies of deoxys and the only trouble I have is finding a Jones attacker that doesn't evolve...