Ruling Gengar DP



I had a question about gengar DP. It's first attack said that you flip a coin, and if heads, you put enough damge counters on the defending pokemon so they have 10 HP left. If you had plus power attatched, would it knock the defending pokemon out? Or would it's effect be disregarded due to gengars attacK?
No. It wouldn't do +10 because the attack is placing damage counters an not doing direct damage.
Ok Gliscor DP36 Promo has an attack just like this so if you had Plus power or Bucks Training would the pokemon be knocked out or not, so please simply put it Yes or No
Gliscor's attack is the same as Gengar's in the sense that it places damage counters, and is not dealing damage. No, you would not KO with a PP/Bucks with Gliscor's attack.
To expand on Pluspower/Buck's Training; these two only add their +10 when there's already actual damage being done. For instance, Pachirisu's Call For Family won't do 10 damage if you have a Pluspower attached. Likewise, since placing damage counters isn't considered "doing damage", pluspower doesn't add to that.

You always need base DAMAGE to expand on it with Pluspower.