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Gengar EX / Manectric EX / Sigilyph / Trevenant


Old School Player
Pokemon (14)
3 Gengar EX
2 Manectric EX
3 Phantump
1 Reshiram (Outrage)
2 Sigilyph (Safeguard)
2 Trevenant
1 Zekrom (Outrage)

Trainers (33)
2 Colress
1 Dowsing Machine
1 Energy Retrieval
2 Enhanced Hammer
2 Float Stone
2 Lysandre
4 Muscle Band
4 N
1 Pokemon Fan Club
4 Professor Juniper
1 Professor's Letter
1 Skyla
1 Startling Megaphone
1 Switch
2 Ultra Ball
2 Virbank City Gym
2 VS Seeker

Pokemon (13)
3 Lightning Energy
6 Psychic Energy

This is a "hit and run" type deck in that Gengar EX is the main attacker and will "spin" back to the bench after attacking. Depending upon the match-up, either Trevenant or Sigilyph will then be promoted to the active position to either Item-lock or EX-lock, respectively, my opponent. As needed, Trevenant and/or Sigilyph will receive energy in order to attack at some point.

Popular decks (and variants) in my area; i.e., decks I expect to encounter and need to be able to counter:
Night March

Why certain Poke were incorporated or excluded
Robo Substitutes. This is a variation from a standard "hit and run" type deck in that I choose not to use any Robo Substitutes. From my experience in playing against decks using them, I find them to be just a minor nuisance that can be countered or circumvented easily. So, I chose to utilize some other Poke and techs instead.

Manectric EX. Gengar EX is weak to D Poke attacks; so, Poke like Yveltal EX can simply wreck unprotected Gengar decks. Manectric EX's role is to protect my Gengar EXs since Yveltal EX is L-weak. Surprisingly enough, Manectric EX is a nice counter to certain other Poke that have attached Tools - Manectric EX's Assualt Laser attack can also inflict 120 damage for just a measly LC energy cost. Manectric EX is a great counter to opponent's Seismitoad EXs, for example.

Reshiram and Zekrom. Since a turn or two may sometimes be needed to get the Gengar EXs, Trevenants, and Sigilyph setup, these Outraging Poke provide a much better "wall" since they can both inflict significant damage after being damaged. In certain match-ups like against VirGen or MetalBox, my starting Reshiram makes my opponent seriously consider if he/she wants to Emerald Slash my Reshiram or not. If not, my opponent will potentially lose energy attachment acceleration advantage early game. If he/she does Emerald slash the Reshiram, then his/her benched Genesect EX immediately becomes a target. Similarly, this occurrence can happen for Zekrom.

Trevenant. Playing as either the source or target of Item-lock, a player knows how disruptive it can be. Trevenant, when active, provides that disruption. Although it is also a potential easy prize, I choose to take that risk vs. using Robo Substitutes since it can also attack the opponent's Defending and 2 benched Poke. Of course, use of this Poke as an attacker is situational; when I do, I have found it to be more effective overall vs. Robos.

Thoughts / comments? Thanks.
I like this list. (I wonder why) :p :)

People thought that Gengar EX isn't "as good as" Donphan because of the Dark weakness. Easy tech like Manectric EX can laugh at that reason people said Gengar EX wasn't that good.

Only thing I would say for your list is

-1 Energy Retrieval

+1 Switch / Mystery Energy (Can't be discarded if Trev is up)
Nice list! However I REALLY don't like Reshiram in any deck, for the simple reason that it's not really that useful, as it mostly gets OHKOed. You'll almost never open with Reshiram, so don't expect it to get Emerald Slash'ed often. Most variants run Deoxys EX+Muscle Band to OHKO Donphan, but it also works to KO your Reshiram.
I would do:
-1 Reshiram
-1 Energy Retrieval
+1 Switch
+1 Float Stone
What decks...?
Virigen KOs.
Metal KOs.
Toad doesn't care.
Yveltal doesn't care.
Fairies don't care.
Plasma doesn't care.
Donphan doesnt care.
Night March....well...gets one-shotted by anything. And also KOs.
Vom said:
What decks...?
Virigen KOs.
Metal KOs.
Toad doesn't care.
Yveltal doesn't care.
Fairies don't care.
Plasma doesn't care.
Donphan doesnt care.
Night March....well...gets one-shotted by anything. And also KOs.

That's true I guess. Probably not needed then.
Vom said:
However I REALLY don't like Reshiram in any deck, for the simple reason that it's not really that useful, as it mostly gets OHKOed. You'll almost never open with Reshiram, so don't expect it to get Emerald Slash'ed often. Most variants run Deoxys EX+Muscle Band to OHKO Donphan, but it also works to KO your Reshiram.
Understood - the last player to Emerald Slash my Reshiram (which Virizion EX cannot 1HKO) lost 2 Genesect EXs before KOing my Reshiram... And there is a "decent" chance of starting with it given the Pokemon Fan Club, Skyla and Ultra Balls (which I forgot to include in the list).

Vom said:
What decks...?
Virigen KOs.
Metal KOs.
Toad doesn't care.
Yveltal doesn't care.
Fairies don't care.
Plasma doesn't care.
Donphan doesnt care.
Night March....well...gets one-shotted by anything. And also KOs.
In every match-up mentioned, a starting Reshiram (or Zekrom depending upon the match-up), if not KOd (and only a starting Toad with a Muscle Band, Ht Laser, and VC Gym) and only damaged, a response Outrage attack is an option I have to inflict potentially significant damage on my next turn. By the way, a player running any of the aforementioned decks will care due to the potential KO possibility I might have as a result of my opponent's initial attack upon either my Reshiram or Zekrom.

The main point is having a starting Poke like Reshiram or Zekrom that can take opening damage and most likely will not be KOd early game. This Poke can buy me a turn or 2, and then if needed, Outrage attack. By that time, Gengar EX and/or Trevenant is setup.
TuxedoBlack said:
Understood - the last player to Emerald Slash my Reshiram (which Virizion EX cannot 1HKO) lost 2 Genesect EXs before KOing my Reshiram... And there is a "decent" chance of starting with it given the Pokemon Fan Club, Skyla and Ultra Balls (which I forgot to include in the list).
If he couldn't KO after an Emerald Slash...well blame his luck.

In every match-up mentioned, a starting Reshiram (or Zekrom depending upon the match-up), if not KOd (and only a starting Toad with a Muscle Band, Ht Laser, and VC Gym) and only damaged, a response Outrage attack is an option I have to inflict potentially significant damage on my next turn. By the way, a player running any of the aforementioned decks will care due to the potential KO possibility I might have as a result of my opponent's initial attack upon either my Reshiram or Zekrom.

I never mentioned Zekrom. Yveltal and friends get totally wrecked by Zekrom. Also, since they care, they will most likely Red Signal/Lysandre around it, just like they would against Robo Sub. If it's for the initial attacks, only Virgen really cares about Reshiram, since Emerald Slash doesn't OHKO, and can become dangerous if left alive. In the other decks, it isn't a threat.

The main point is having a starting Poke like Reshiram or Zekrom that can take opening damage and most likely will not be KOd early game. This Poke can buy me a turn or 2, and then if needed, Outrage attack. By that time, Gengar EX and/or Trevenant is setup.

If your point is to open with it, you should run 2-3, not 1. They are indeed good for buying time.