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Gengar-EX / Tevenant / Dragalge


Dunsparce Hoarder
I know it's a bit early to be brewing with Phantom Gate cards but there is obvious synergy between these cards and I thought I'd make a draft and see where it goes.
Note lock decks are not my typical style so I'm not sure how to build the best one.


  • 3 Gengar-EX Phantom Gate
    1 M Gengar-EX Phantom Gate
    3-3 Trevenant XY
    2-2 Dragalge Flashfire
    2-2 Beartic FUF

  • 3 Sycamore
    4 N
    3 Skyla
    2 Lysandre

    2 Hypnotoxic Laser
    2 Muscle Band
    3 Float Stone
    2 Virbank City Gym
    3 Ultra Ball
    2 Startling Megaphone
    1 Escape Rope
    1 Switch
    1 Computer Search
    1 Professors Letter
    1 Sacred Ash

  • 4 DCE
    7 Psychic

The strategy is to lead with Gengar-EX and have Phantump and possibly Skrelp on the bench. Turn 1 attach a psychic to Gengar. On turn two you want to evolve Phantump into Trevenant and attach a DCE onto Gengar, play down a Virbank and start attacking with Hallway of Darkness. it does 60 plus poison and then switch to one of your bench pokemon. You switch into Trevenant starting the item lock and if you have Dragalge you're opponents active also can't retreat. Find a way either through Float Stone, Escape Rope or Switch to retreat Trevenant every turn and repeat the process. Beartic is in to hit landorus and Pyroar when needed.

It's a rough list but let me know your ideas.
RE: Gengar-EX, Tevenant, Dragalge Lock

Hey, I'm liking the deck idea. I think there is definitely some strength in the main combo and then beartic and dragalge are good additions for your team.
The few adjustments I would make:

- 1 computer search- it wont be in the format after the rotation.
-2 mystery energy. I dont really know about this new energy type, so I wont say remove these for sure. But the first thing that comes to mind is that special energy has inherent drawbacks, and this one is basically a half- float stone which can only be attached to your psychic pokemon. So that'll be either gengar or trevenant. Except, trevenant is probably not going to be your ideal attacker this deck so wasting an energy attachment for the turn on him will slow you down. These could just turn into extra float stones or even just more energy/ energy retrieval, since you already run 2 float stones and 2 escape ropes. Also this won't be able to switch you out like a switch or escape rope if you get put to sleep.

+1 Dowsing Machine. Good replacement for the computer search and lets you reuse those float stones if you need it, or get a supporter or w/e
+ 1 Energy Retrieval. Perhaps necessary? Since you need at least 9 energy to power up 3 gengars.
+ 1 Switch. Just incase, since this'll save you from status which float stones and mystery energies will not- and you might not want to switch your opponent out with escape rope. Alternatively extra energy, retrieval, or prof letter could be good here? Could use this final slot for anything, even mr. mimes to protect your benched dragalge from bench dmg or an extra laser.

But yea, I like the listing and the concept!
RE: Gengar-EX, Tevenant, Dragalge Lock

Pipotchi said:
Hey, I'm liking the deck idea. I think there is definitely some strength in the main combo and then beartic and dragalge are good additions for your team.
The few adjustments I would make:

- 1 computer search- it wont be in the format after the rotation.
-2 mystery energy. I dont really know about this new energy type, so I wont say remove these for sure. But the first thing that comes to mind is that special energy has inherent drawbacks, and this one is basically a half- float stone which can only be attached to your psychic pokemon. So that'll be either gengar or trevenant. Except, trevenant is probably not going to be your ideal attacker this deck so wasting an energy attachment for the turn on him will slow you down. These could just turn into extra float stones or even just more energy/ energy retrieval, since you already run 2 float stones and 2 escape ropes. Also this won't be able to switch you out like a switch or escape rope if you get put to sleep.

+1 Dowsing Machine. Good replacement for the computer search and lets you reuse those float stones if you need it, or get a supporter or w/e
+ 1 Energy Retrieval. Perhaps necessary? Since you need at least 9 energy to power up 3 gengars.
+ 1 Switch. Just incase, since this'll save you from status which float stones and mystery energies will not- and you might not want to switch your opponent out with escape rope. Alternatively extra energy, retrieval, or prof letter could be good here? Could use this final slot for anything, even mr. mimes to protect your benched dragalge from bench dmg or an extra laser.

But yea, I like the listing and the concept!

Thanks for the advice. First of all Comp search won't be rotating out, it is in BCR and I prefer it over Dowsing Machine for these type of set up decks because it allows you to get that crucial piece early when you need it like a DCE.

I agree with your argument on the mystery energy and to be honest I originally made the list with 7 Psychic but decided to change it last minute. I think strictly for ease I'd switch them both back out for basic Psychic energies.

I considered 1 Energy Retrieval but couldn't find a cut for it. I dont want a lower energy count than 11 but I could possibly cut to 10. Powering up 3 Gengars actually only costs 6 energy if 3 are DCE. I may replace 1 escape rope with 1 switch though. I like them for pulling up pokemon my opponents are trying to bench but I suppose that's why I have Lysandre so I can replace one. Thanks for the feed back.
RE: Gengar-EX, Tevenant, Dragalge Lock

Ah I wasnt aware about computer search. Lots of people have been saying its rotating so I was convinced that it was. Well, your reasoning for keeping it is fine then, I think it will be a helpful card for you :)
RE: Gengar-EX, Tevenant, Dragalge Lock

Nice idea you got there. It will take some time to win with this deck, but with your opponent stalled like that that would be no problem!

I look forward to read some revies on how this plays. Will you proxy it?
RE: Gengar-EX, Tevenant, Dragalge Lock

Luxiel said:
Nice idea you got there. It will take some time to win with this deck, but with your opponent stalled like that that would be no problem!

I look forward to read some reviews on how this plays. Will you proxy it?

Well seeing as the set is 3 months out I'm sure I'll proxy it at some point. Perhaps after rotation so I can get a better feel for how it will play against other post rotation decks. I'll keep the thread updated on that.

Yeah its a bit slow but with fighting types making a huge push because of FUF that does add a lot of Psychic weak pokes to the mix which speeds things up and In a perfect world you're still 2HKO most pokemon when you have Virbank out so it's not incredibly slow. I guess I'll have to see how it plays. My biggest concern is VirGen decks especially if they do start teching with Dragonite-EX. That really puts a hurt on the whole concept of this deck.
RE: Gengar-EX, Tevenant, Dragalge Lock

SGGPatrickJ said:
Luxiel said:
Nice idea you got there. It will take some time to win with this deck, but with your opponent stalled like that that would be no problem!

I look forward to read some reviews on how this plays. Will you proxy it?

Well seeing as the set is 3 months out I'm sure I'll proxy it at some point. Perhaps after rotation so I can get a better feel for how it will play against other post rotation decks. I'll keep the thread updated on that.

Yeah its a bit slow but with fighting types making a huge push because of FUF that does add a lot of Psychic weak pokes to the mix which speeds things up and In a perfect world you're still 2HKO most pokemon when you have Virbank out so it's not incredibly slow. I guess I'll have to see how it plays. My biggest concern is VirGen decks especially if they do start teching with Dragonite-EX. That really puts a hurt on the whole concept of this deck.

Using Trevenant as you main staller, VirGen won't pose much of a threat since it relies so much in Items. Sure, you won't be blocking their retreat, but still will take time to set it up and they still won't play G-Booster and the like.

You totally could try to add a 1-1 or 2-2 garbordor line just to cover that match-up... Just remember that, with it out, trevenant won't be stalling anymore. But I am not sure how that could work, if it could at all...
RE: Gengar-EX, Tevenant, Dragalge Lock

Yeah Trevenant does slow them down but VirGen can easily just red signal around Trevenant and start hitting into Gengar. I actually considered dropping the Dragalge line to 2-2 specifically because of that match up. I don't think Garbodor would be worth any spots in the deck, at that point the deck is just trying to do too much and becomes clunky. I guess once I playtest the deck I'll make changes accordingly.
RE: Gengar-EX, Tevenant, Dragalge Lock

After some thought I think putting in a single M Gengar-EX for versatility may be worth it so here's the change.

-1 Psychic Energy
+1 M Gengar-EX
RE: Gengar-EX, Tevenant, Dragalge Lock

Mega Gengar is going to help you against genesect, because he can use the attack g-booster while also avoiding the ko from g-booster. Altho I'm not sure if you should be lowering your psychic energies. I wonder if you need 3-3 dragalge line? You have sacred ash if necessary, so I think 2-2 would be fine. Then you could add 1 mega gengar and 1 float stone (or any other card) instead of lowering psychic energy.
RE: Gengar-EX, Tevenant, Dragalge Lock

this is my current list but in BW format


3 Gengar Ex
4-4 Trevenant
2 - 2 Dusknoir
1-1 Dragalge
1 Mewtwo Ex


4 Skyla
4 Colress
4 Random Recivier
2 Pal Pad

3 Dimensional Valley
4 Float Stone
3 Level Ball
3 Heavy Ball
1 Master Ball
2 Startling Megaphone
2 Rare Candy
3 Maxx Potion
1 Evo Soda


4 Pyshic Special
3 Basic Psychic

1 free spot maybe another energy or M gengar / mewtwo or Bicycle even dusclops lol i need to test proxying gengar´s sets

my idea is set up as fast as i can trevenant and start atacking / poisoning with gengar then try to get dusknoir / dragalge and gg XD
RE: Gengar-EX, Tevenant, Dragalge Lock

Pipotchi said:
Mega Gengar is going to help you against genesect, because he can use the attack g-booster while also avoiding the ko from g-booster. Altho I'm not sure if you should be lowering your psychic energies. I wonder if you need 3-3 dragalge line? You have sacred ash if necessary, so I think 2-2 would be fine. Then you could add 1 mega gengar and 1 float stone (or any other card) instead of lowering psychic energy.

I made the change early this morning after watching nothing but VirGen matches so it was kind of whimsical but through the day I had the exact same though of cutting the Dragalge line to 2-2 so I think I'll do that and add back the Psychic and another Float Stone to help Trevenant.