Gengar LV.X from Arceus (#97) [6/23]


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Guiding questions:
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
5. How's the artwork?

Posts MUST be several sentences long with proper grammar and spelling or they will be deleted - this forum is to discuss specific cards so other people can learn about their potential in the current metagame.
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
This is IMO not that important a play in gengar. Its definitely needed in cursegar, but in sf gengar I found it to be better to just go 4-2-4 or 4-3-4.
2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
It's in Cursegar, which has died down somewhat in popularity lately.
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
You can use it with dusknoir to spread damage with dusky X's power+ compound pain.
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
I give it a 3/5. It really isnt that good, except for the extra HP. The attack is OK as a game finisher or last resort, but level down isnt as useful anymore as most of the popular decks right now dont use any level X's, other than luxchomp, but those X's you most likely wont want to level down, because it would just give them another bright look or healing breath.
5. How's the artwork?
The artwork is amazing 4.9/5. I like all the different colors in the background.
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
Not that great at the moment. Only extra HP is the bonus, and compound pain can be ok, if you have to use it.

2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
Cursegar, and cursgar only. It will probably see some play with Gengar Prime, for spread, but it will take awhile to get set up.

3.What combos can you use it with? How so?
Cursgar, Duskull X like minimidget said. Gengar Prime when that comes out.

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
The only bonus is the extra HP, for now. As I said, it will see play with Gengar Prime. 4/5.

5. How's the artwork?
Im not as much of a fan as I am with all of the other Xs. But I do like shadow ball (I think its shadow ball). This isn't in my top 5.

Yay! Second! o_O
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
It's just okay on it's own. Compound Pain needs help to work, and Level Down has limited uses, but the HP is nice.

2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
CurseGar, straight SF Gengar, or GeChamp

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
Pretty much anything else Gengar can be combined with. Dusknoir, Machamp, possibly even GG

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
4.5/5 Very nice addition to both Gengar AR and Gengar SF.

5. How's the artwork?
Fantastic. Best artwork on a card since I've been playing! 5+/5
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
really good against lv x since gengar lv x can level down any opponent's lv x in play

2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
gardevoir lv x or maybe mewtwo lv x , or even machamp

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
i use with my gardevoir lv x to get telepass and psychic lock also can get bring down the weak pokemon ^ ^

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
4.8 stars

5. How's the artwork?
awesome !!! (specially for the mixed colour)
1. The card is so-so. Good to use for it's Poke-Power, if your opponent even uses Lv. X's anymore.
2. CurseGar, of course. That's about it.
3. CurseGar is good with the Gengar from SF or even AR to get some damage on all your opponents Pokemon so you can use Compound Pain.
4. If Lv. X's were still in, 4/5. But now, since Primes have dominated most tournaments by now, 2.5/5.
5. 3/5. I've seen better, without the psyco grin.
1. Gengar is gengar. A popular card in it's own time, but dying down. Extra HP, a decent attack, and an interesting pokepower.

2. Cursegar, I believe. Nothing more.

3. Anything that can spread, works well with compound pain.

4. 3/5. A card that has it's ups and downs, but is slowing down in today's format. Just imagine Gengar in a senior's home.

5. 5/5. Coolest artwork ever. He looks so, interesting. The smile on his face, the hand reaching out for you, and the cool background makes this card great.
1. It´s Very good Card and Level Down and Compoud Pain are AWSOME
2. In Finland Senior Dusgar, QueenGar and Gengar C.
3. Curse gar Spread, Gallade 4 and then Spread, Omastar and Some Spreader, And the best Combo is Dusknoir LVX+This Gengar.
4. 5/5 Because Great Power and Attack. Nice Resistance, Good combous and FREE RETREAT
5. Not the best, but i like it. 4/5
1. Yes, it has potential. Due to a strong poke-power, good attack and OK HP.
2. Cursegar, aswell as Speedgar, + Mother Gengar I belive? Basically any Gengar deck.
3. Spread decks, and ofc Gengar variants.
4. I give it 4/5, it has a bad weakness now that Tyranitar Prime is a decent deck. It also cud have a lower attack cost.
5. Im not too fan of Gengar, and he just scares the c**p out of me, so 1/5 :p
1. If this card were on its own, it would be real bad. But due to the nice HP, PokePower, and combos with other Gengar, it has the potential to be played.
2. Most namely Cursegar, but it is pretty much used in any Gengar deck.
3. Any card that can put damage counters on benched Pokemon, such as the Stormfront Tyranitar or Gallade 4 lv. X
4. Overall, 4/5 because it has great potential because of the powerful combos and annoying PokePower.
5. Great artwork. I like how the Lv. Xs seem to come out of thier cards because it really shows thier power(usually) and makes the pictures epic.5/5.
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?

On its own, it is not that good. It has to be used with other pokemon like Dusknoir X. It will give you some time to get you bench full prepared and then retreat(0 retreat)

2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?

Cursegar. Maybe with the new Gengar prime.

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?

Just as I said, maybe with Dusknoir X. Or, attach an expert belt to do more damage to the active and to get more HP. And don't forget to level up to gengar stormfront, so even if your opponent takes two prize cards, you might take one too. Oh, a gengar with curse on the bench will be helpful.

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).

I will give 4 out of 5. 0 retreat, a resistance of normal, no lv.X, and spray attack. The only bad thing is that it needs preevolutions and not too much damage to the active.

5. How's the artwork?

I have the card and really, it is awsome. It is the coolest lv.X card for me.
1. I think on its own it is underrated, while not great, i like the potential to do 30 everywhere. Also the power is underrated, if used at the right time it allows you to get a free KO. Also 140 HP is nothing to scoff at, weakness to dark is fine, sableye SF shouldn't get more HP than this guy. Also resistance to Normal makes one of the very FEW level x cards that can survive Flygon LV.X's extreme attack(granted Gengar LV.X has to be active). The free retreat is also very good.

2. Mostly CurseGar, i like using it w/ Mother Gengar because it is hard to not trigger fainting spell.

3.Spritomb PA. Honestly it could work w/ other things but why try it when CurseGar is so good?

4. I say 4/5, IMO an underrated card. Most of its attributes are very helpful, i would like a better attack but then again it would be broken, the SF/PA Gengars already have good enough attacks.

5. I LOVE the artwork, only LV.X that's better IMO is Blaziken FB LV.X
Yay! First page again. Anyway,

1. Very well. It is a great addition for CurseGar to stop the LuxChomp. Also, with the AR Gengar, Sharpshooting a couple times then Compound pain.
2. CurseGar, varying from deck to deck.
3. Tyranitar Prime. Just use Darkness Howl once and clean up with Compound Pain. I suppose you could also use Level Down then warp point because the Level up is on the active only.
4. Used to be 4.5/5 if you knew how to use it. Now with the Primes, Legends, etc., Level down isn't nearly as good.
5. 5/5. Looks like Dark Void instead of Shadow Ball ;)
1. On its on it it ok but, it works way better with helping cards.

2. Queengar and CurseGar

3. Nidoqueen, Mr.Mime, Spiritomb, and Shedninja.

4. 3/5 It is an ok card but, how good it does is based on which gengar is under him.

5. 4/5 Amazing Artwork!!!!
In my opinion, Gengar lv X is a little overrated. Just about every deck with Gengar plays one, but this can be a mistake that takes away from the deck's consistency. After all, you're going from a family with 4 stage 2 cards to a family with three stage 2s, and a card that can only be played on a stage 2. Gengar is still a fun card to play, but the point to any Gengar deck isn't Gengar lv X, it's the stage 2 Gengar (either Fainting Spell or Cursegar), so this can become a card you just hold onto in your hand for a while when you'd rather have a Stage 2.

Having said that, this is a fun card when played right. I've played this card with Gallade lv X as a rogue deck at states, and ended up ranking high, only losing one match (but missing top cut because the random match generator really hates me). Here's how it worked, play Gallade lv X to put damage on your opponent's pokemon via Blade Storm, and attack with Gengar lv X's Compound Pain to put 30 more on each pokemon on your opponent's side with damage counters (all of them). This scenario sees 240 damage placed on your opponent's side in one turn, and they'll have a hard time dealing with it, even if they have a RR Nidoqueen in play. Alelf helped me out in the event that a key pokemon was prized, and my Stage 2 of choice was Curse Gengar from PA.

Gengar lv X has two good draw-ins, though neither of them alone completely justifies playing the card. Level-down can ruin an opponent's plan in theory, as it sends an opponent's Level X card in play back to their deck, leaving it as an ordinary pokemon. The flaw in this is that the most popular lv X cards played today have excellent PokePowers that activate when they come into play. In this case, Level-Down strips your opponent's pokemon of some HP and a nice attack at best, and gives them an opportunity to reuse a coming-into-play PokePower at worst, saving them the use of a PokeTurn. I'd Level-Down a Flygon, Shaymin, Dialga G or a lv X like that. But leveling down a Luxray GL or a Garchomp C is a really bad idea. Therefore, Level-Down is only situationally useful.

Compound Pain is where the real fun is at. Thirty damage to each of your opponent's pokemon that already has damage is trouble, especially if you're playing a spread deck. Cards good at doing this are Gengar with Curse, Gallade 4 lv X, and Crobat G. The downside of this is that the attack cost is 3, which takes some time to use without Lucian's Assignment. Playing a Level X card onto a Stage 2 also takes time.

Killing Gengar lv X may be a little difficult once it's in play, but you can kill it before it's even played by playing around it, and making it harder to play. One way to kill Gengar lv X and the decks that play it is, ironically enough, a card that is known to help it. This would be Spiritomb from PA. Having one active while setting up helps you set up your own evolved pokemon, while depriving Gengar decks of the Rare Candies that they so love. Gengar decks also hate being power locked, so a deck with Mesprits and Power Sprays can slow down Gengar decks, and help prevent their key player from being played.

Once in play, Gengar is kind-of hard to get rid of. Gengar lv X can be KOed by Flygon lv X's Extreme Attack with the assistance of Crobat G (PlusPower and Expert Belt help if Gengar lv X is still active). Gengar decks like to get Gengar out of dodge by using Shadow Skip to both attack and place up a pokemon they'd rather have active. This tends to include Gengar from SF, which has a chance of taking your pokemon with it when KOed. You have a couple approaches here, neither one is easy to recommend over the other because they are situational: One is to directly attack the cards Gengar uses for support, narrowing your opponent's options. The other is to directly attack Gengar itself, to cause the attack to relent. If you can't attack the pokemon you want, then you're playing right into Gengar's hands. This is when Gengar decks are most dangerous. Also, Nidoqueen is priceless when you're faced with Compound Pain.

Gengar lv X from Platinum Arceus gets a score of 3 out of 5.

Gengar lv X is a nice card when it has spread support, which is convenient to the Gengar that you can play it on, and to it's type. However, the Gengars you play this card with are so useful, that you may just run four of those, as Gengar lv X is mostly unnecessary.
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
This card is an ok card by it self. But level X's also use its previous move sets, so- I beleive a good normal gengar for it is the cursing gengar from the same set. Considering most SP attackers have 80 HP (Luxray, Garchomp, exct.) you level them down w/ its power and knock them with a belted gengar using shadow skip. plus ten damage to one of their bench- do that a few times and your doing 30 spread to whatevers left every turn w/ compound pain. plus 140 hp? thats pretty nice.
2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
It should be used in most gengar decks, you could always use the Hp boost and the power.
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
The way it could work with the fainting spell gengar is shadow room a few of their bench, mabe use some trainer, or power to lock them up in the active while you snipe their bench. I cant think of one at the moment but there has to SOMTHING.
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars). I give this card 2 stars on its own not factering in anything else. The move is'nt the greatest, and the power is not always needed the only thing that is always good is 140 hp.
5. How's the artwork?
best of all the X's- I love the shiny eyes! and the attacking and background and everything is epic.
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or has potential? Is it worth playing?

Gengar Lv.X is somewhat nice on its own. Its Poke-power, Level Down, can be pretty annoying against most decks that rely on Lv.Xs as attackers. Why? That's because the Poke-power actually Level Downs the opposing Lv.X, where it is then shuffled back into the opponent's deck. Moreover, when you level down a Lv.X using Gengar Lv.X, you can choose any opposing Lv.X you want, whether it is the active or on the bench.

Gengar's attack is good too, especially in spread decks. It can do 30 to all of your opponent's Pokemon with damage counters on them. Since both Gengar SF and Gengar AR have a way to spread damage around on the bench, Compound Pain can actually come into good use from time to time. Of course, cards like Nidoqueen and Garchomp C get through this, which is sadly a problem. This is often the reason why Gengar is often used mainly for its Poke-power. Thus, I would say Gengar Lv.X is worth playing and can be good on its own, but you need to make sure you run a Gengar since after all, this card is a Lv.X.

2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?

Gengar Lv.X is pretty much used in any metagame deck right now that uses a good Gengar of some sort. These Gengar decks include Cursegar, Mother Gengar, and Gengar C. Cursegar uses the Gengar from Arceus that has a hit an switch ability, while Mother Gengar and Gengar C use the Gengar from Stormfront. In these three Gengar decks, Gengar Lv.X has been shown to come into some nice use. As mentioned, one reason is because Cursegar and Gengar SF have a way to spread damage; yet, another reason why Gengar Lv.X is used in these decks is because Gengar Lv.X helps boost Gengars' HP from 110 to 140, making the Gengar you run harder to take down.

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?

Obviously, I'd use Gengar Lv.X with either Gengar AR or Gengar SF. My intent with Gengar Lv.X is that I want to be able to have a nice way of spreading using Compound Pain after spreading some damage counters around with the Gengar I run. I'd also use Gengar Lv.X to boost the HP of my Gengar so that my opponent will have a harder time taking it out.

Well, yeah, I'd pretty much use Gengar Lv.X as it is being used nowadays in competitive play.

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you would give it that rating.

I would give Gengar Lv.X a 3/5. It is certainly a nice addition to many Gengar decks out there right now. It has the ability to throw back an opponent's Lv.X back into his or her deck, and it can have a nice way of spreading too. The problem with it though is that nowadays, many seem to use the other Gengars a lot. In fact, the Gengars can be so useful that you may not even need to use Gengar Lv.X for the match. That's why Gengar doesn't seem to be not that overused.

5. How's the artwork?

OK, this one of the best artworks for a Gengar ever! I really like how Gengar is popping out of the screen and is literally beginning to unleash an attack. Now this is how a Lv.X should really look like that's for sure.:)