3-2-3-1 Gengar (AR uc-TM-1Shadow Skip+2 Prime)
2 Spiritomb AR
2-2 Gallade 4
2 Lunatone SV
2 Solrock TM
3-2 Donphan
2 Luxury Ball
3 Rare Candy
4 Energy Search
2 Bill
3 Professor Oaks New Theory
2 Pokémon Collector
2 Engineers Adjustments
10 Psychic
6 Fighting
2 Double Colorless
I am making my first league play deck so any advice you can give would be great.
Stategy: Get Gengar out as fast as possible (whether through rare candy, spritomb, doesn't matter). If the opponent is using an evolution deck, get gengar prime out and use hurl into darkness. I also need to get lunatone and solrock onto the bench by turn 2 or 3 to keep my opponent from healing. Donphan is in there to take care of T-Tar.
3-2-3-1 Gengar (AR uc-TM-1Shadow Skip+2 Prime)
2 Spiritomb AR
2-2 Gallade 4
2 Lunatone SV
2 Solrock TM
3-2 Donphan
2 Luxury Ball
3 Rare Candy
4 Energy Search
2 Bill
3 Professor Oaks New Theory
2 Pokémon Collector
2 Engineers Adjustments
10 Psychic
6 Fighting
2 Double Colorless
I am making my first league play deck so any advice you can give would be great.
Stategy: Get Gengar out as fast as possible (whether through rare candy, spritomb, doesn't matter). If the opponent is using an evolution deck, get gengar prime out and use hurl into darkness. I also need to get lunatone and solrock onto the bench by turn 2 or 3 to keep my opponent from healing. Donphan is in there to take care of T-Tar.