Gengar's Worst Match-Up

I would go straight luxchomp. I have played that deck many times and have always won. Key is to destroy their set up. They have resistance but you want to attack the bench. Powerspray like mad and watch them set up a single gengar. Just 2HKO that and its too late to use fainting spell.
The thing with Gengar v LuxChomp is that Chomp can snipe everything on your bench. Bench Shield would help but defiantly not stop it. Simply Bright Look then knock out. I usually play around Gengar. I mean ok hit me for 30 with Poltergeist or 30 for Shadow Room. Ok heal off with Healing Breath. I'll just kill everything else first then kill Gengar.

I've rarely had problems playing against Gengar with LuxChomp.
Blazeray+Chomp. Blaziken can get around Spiritomb and Burn gets around Fainting Spell.

dmaster out.
Blazechompray is probably the best out of THOSE decks. However, the best deck PERIOD against Gengar is Dialga/Chomp.
Dialga Garchomp beats Gengar. 'nuff said
Out of those choices, my opinion is FlyChamp. Memory Berry and lock.
Puncher said:
Dark Glaceon :-3

I think you guys should really consider that most Gengar now, in competitive play, is Punch and Run NOT fainting spell and none of these decks handle it well unless you flygon deckout!