4-3-3-1 Gardevoir SW lv.x
2 Gallade LA
2-1-2 Gengar SF (Feinting Spell)
2-1 Uxie Lv.X LA
1-1 Claydol GE
2 Spiritomb AR
Double Colorless-2
Broken Time Space-2
Pokemon Collector-3
Bebe's Search-3
Professor oak's New Theory-2
Rare Candy-3
Luxury Ball-1
Expert Belt-1
Premier Ball-1
Super Scoop up-2
basic gardevoir/gallade strategy, use gardevoir to beat down opponent and use her powers, gallade to reveal and beat down, claydol to increase draw power, uxie lv.x for the same reason, spiritomb AR to set up and lock, and if anyone kills gengar, if it's not sp, it has a 50-50 chance of succeeding in an automatic k.o., and hopefully my opponent will not have any p-sprays left, then maybe garchomp will get the boot if gengars on the bench, and luxray if he is active, and amazingly gengar used to be meta-game, and to me he still is the best he could ever be, and by the way, gengar is also very useful against gyarados if it succeeds in accomplishing a feinting spell.
2 Gallade LA
2-1-2 Gengar SF (Feinting Spell)
2-1 Uxie Lv.X LA
1-1 Claydol GE
2 Spiritomb AR
Double Colorless-2
Broken Time Space-2
Pokemon Collector-3
Bebe's Search-3
Professor oak's New Theory-2
Rare Candy-3
Luxury Ball-1
Expert Belt-1
Premier Ball-1
Super Scoop up-2
basic gardevoir/gallade strategy, use gardevoir to beat down opponent and use her powers, gallade to reveal and beat down, claydol to increase draw power, uxie lv.x for the same reason, spiritomb AR to set up and lock, and if anyone kills gengar, if it's not sp, it has a 50-50 chance of succeeding in an automatic k.o., and hopefully my opponent will not have any p-sprays left, then maybe garchomp will get the boot if gengars on the bench, and luxray if he is active, and amazingly gengar used to be meta-game, and to me he still is the best he could ever be, and by the way, gengar is also very useful against gyarados if it succeeds in accomplishing a feinting spell.