Right, so its been a long time and I wanna start playing again. The last time I played was when the original team rocket cards came out. Which theme deck do you recommend I start with? I wanna buy a good theme deck and then modify it later.
I've been there, I just started back up a year and a half a ago and it has been rough at tourneys but I've gotten back on my feet. I would recommend the Gengar deck from Legendmaker because it was the best I got but I don't know about all the others.
I don't really recommend the golem deck, but the gengar deck, and the salamence deck are the best... the reason I don't recommend that much as the gengar and salamence deck is because theres not really a lot of good stuff in it... still good though.
I suggest golden sky from unseen forces because for one, it actualy has some cards you might actualy want to use later, and because I think ho-oh is cool.
the reason I like the salamence deck is because they have the best cards like porygon and salamence delta species and they have good trainer cards.
the reason I like the gengar deck is because it includes 2 react energys and gengar needs them and it has good cards too.
golem deck is good too