Getting back into TCG


I've returned
Well, I used to only play pokemon TCG, but after D/P came out, I played more online than the cards, to the point where i just totally stopped. I haven't touched my cards in a long time and I just wanted to know what are some of the changes that have been made in the TCG metagame, how I can prepare my self to get back into TCG for the 09-10 season, and what cards/ decks should start buying for. Thanks to ANYBODY who can give me some helpful info.
The metagame is a LOT faster. Claydols provides consistent drawpower, but if you can afford them, Uxies are a lot more useful.

The meta right now will change drastically after Rising Rivals comes out. As of now, it's mostly G Decks, whether focused on Palkia G, Dialga G, or both, Gengar, Machamp, Rampardos, Giratina, a few GG variants, and other rogues.

Once rising rivals comes out, expect a lot of Hippowdon, Flygon, and Arcanine. Also, Porygon Z and Garchomp will/are grow(ing) in popularity.

If you have to buy, look into Flygon and G stuff. Although most of the G stuff isn't hard to trade for short of the Xs, and even those aren't horribly difficult, plus they've gone down from their original pricing points.

Uxies/Claydols can be a pain to pick up, but are definitely needed. I'd suggest the Uxies as Claydols will probably rotate out soon.

Also, play Unknown G, if only to prevent Macheap from donking you with takeout.

If you any other more specific questions, I can try and help by PM. I myself am adjusting as well and this is what I've noticed, at least.
The metagame has gone from "Best" to "fastest".
Anything that can get whipped out quickly is vible, whichis why evolutions are played almost...never.
Only if the evolution is completely gamebreaking will it see play. (Flygon).
Claydols provides consistent drawpower, but if you can afford them, Uxies are a lot more useful.
You know that Uxies are way more expensive than Claydols? You're lucky if you get 1 Uxie with 2 Claydols.
I know...that's why I said if you can afford them, Uxies are better. Because Uxies are more expensive...

Maybe my post isn't clear. Yes, I am quite aware of the price difference.
I was looking through what D/P cards I have and i remember having the whole Toxicbok deck along with the mario and speedape decks. are those of any value anymore? I also have quite a few Lv.X pokes.