Getting back into the card game after a few years...


Aspiring Trainer
I didn't realize how daunting a task this would be when I first looked at the forums, but there's been stuff that's going on that I had no clue about.

Here's the gist of it - I stopped playing shortly before WotC dropped the project. I devoted time to my studies and dropped the two card games I had been playing (Magic and Pokémon, of course). A year ago, my friend approached me and we started playing Magic again, which was relatively easy to get into since not too much had changed designwise.

However, Pokémon, since it changed hands, has changed enough that I don't know what's going on anymore. Is there anything the forum can do to ease my foray back into Pokémon? It's a pretty daunting task.
I know the feeling, I was almost in the same boat as you, minus the Magic.
Ok. Well I'll try to explain the basis
After WOTC dropped the card game, PUSA took over (Pokemon USA). They first started with the Ex Series, which goes on for about 4 years but they're outdated. The current formant is the Diamond and Pearl Cards. So that means you can't use any cards from the WOTC series and the Ex series (although energies, Potion's, Switch's, Energy Search's and a few other cards are still allowed)

The absolute basics are still the same, there are only a few small changes, mostly to make the game more efficient.

Darkness and Metal are now Basic Energies, mostly due to there being more of each. This means you can have more then 4 of those types of energy.

Another gameplay change is the seperation of Trainers, Supporters and Stadiums. Supporters are cards that are attached to your Pokemon for a turn and do an effect, similar to a Pokemon Tool but are discarded at the end of your turn. Stadiums are the same as they were in Gym Heroes and Gym Challenge. Supporters are perhaps the most crucial cards in a deck, as they usually involve searching a deck which is extremely useful.

Another change is the reduction of the effects of Weakness and Resistance. Now, Weakness may do 10,20,30 or 40 extra damage, insted of double (although a few cards, mostly legendaries still have this double damage weakness). Resistance is also different, I think it only does 20 less.

If you've been out of it a while, there's also Poke-Power and Poke-Body changes. Poke-Powers are optional, you don't have to use them while Poke-Bodies are in effect unless it says it isn't.

The next change is the introduction of Lv.X cards. These cards are like ultra rare and powerful cards. These are placed on top of your Pokemon and act like a really big powerup insted of an Evolution. The big thing about them is that you can use any attack from any stage of the Pokemon, so it's sort of like the trainer Recall from Gym Challenge.

EDIT: I forgot to mention there's also a new Status Condition: Burned. This is similar to Confusion and you must flip a coin Between turns. If tails, you put 2 damage counters on your Pokemon. Confusion is the same as last time, except its 3 damage counters if its tails.

There are other small changes to gameplay, such as the person who goes first can't use any trainers, but I'm not totally aware of all of these.
I may have missed some other things, but I'm still getting used to the new system. If you have any questions, just ask.
I'm also in the same boat - Enshidia, that was a helpful post. I've started messing around with some of the new cards to determine strategy. What percentage of players on this forum actually play and understand TCG? I presume there are probably many who's prime interest isn't the card game.
Well, I seem to get the impression that this is one of the sites which is focussed on the cards, although Pokemon is a lot like McDonalds, there are a lot of different media to it. I'm not 100% sure on the percentage though.
My analogy is based on that McDonalds has a lot of different options-McCafe, "healthy" salads, fast food etc. etc.
...It probably wasn't a good analogy.
Thanks a ton, guys! I just need to find a way to ease myself back into playing. I guess I'll look over the list of cards on the main page.

What are some decent decks that are in a decent price range? I need to budget my money carefully between Magic and Pokémon :p
Well, no deck will be "cheap" because every good deck plays 2-3 uxie ($15 each) 1-2 claydol ($15 each) uxie lv x($20 each) and those are just the techs, it depends on your budget, but is quite cheap.
weavile132 said:
Well, no deck will be "cheap" because every good deck plays 2-3 uxie ($15 each) 1-2 claydol ($15 each) uxie lv x($20 each) and those are just the techs, it depends on your budget, but is quite cheap.

My budget is somewhere along the lines of $150, so...
Enshidia said:
Darkness and Metal now have a Basic Energy form, mostly due to there being more of each. This means you can have more then 4 of those types of the basic energy.


You can also use the special darks and metals. Darkness got a slight change: it's effect only applies to Dark Pokemon and will not damage you between turns.
Gaetele said:
Thanks a ton, guys! I just need to find a way to ease myself back into playing. I guess I'll look over the list of cards on the main page.

What are some decent decks that are in a decent price range? I need to budget my money carefully between Magic and Pokémon :p

Cheap'm decks

Lou Cypher has written answers to all your questions. x_x

dmaster out.
I would also like to point out that Prereleases are going to start at the end of Jan. and the start of Feb. You may want to consider going to one of those, they cost $25 but you get 8 packs in total, which is helpful for boosting your collection. After that you can trade for the needed trainers (Bebe's Search, Roseanne's Research) and then you can make a crude deck. After that you can slowly add to your collection and return to the game gradually.
DawnOfXatu said:
I would also like to point out that Prereleases are going to start at the end of Jan. and the start of Feb. You may want to consider going to one of those, they cost $25 but you get 8 packs in total, which is helpful for boosting your collection. After that you can trade for the needed trainers (Bebe's Search, Roseanne's Research) and then you can make a crude deck. After that you can slowly add to your collection and return to the game gradually.
How do Pokémon prereleases work? I have a Magic prerelease, incidentally, in the exact same time frame, that's also going to set me back $30.
Gaetele said:
DawnOfXatu said:
I would also like to point out that Prereleases are going to start at the end of Jan. and the start of Feb. You may want to consider going to one of those, they cost $25 but you get 8 packs in total, which is helpful for boosting your collection. After that you can trade for the needed trainers (Bebe's Search, Roseanne's Research) and then you can make a crude deck. After that you can slowly add to your collection and return to the game gradually.
How do Pokémon prereleases work? I have a Magic prerelease, incidentally, in the exact same time frame, that's also going to set me back $30.

Read up.

Inform yourself. The wealth is all around you. *appears Godly*

dmaster out.