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Getting Back into the game: Yanmega/Zorark


Poke Hat Collector
Pokemon: 28
4 Cleffa
4-4 Zoroark
4-4 Yanmega Prime
4-4 Sunflora

T/S/T/S: 24
2x Dual Ball
2x Prof. Elm's Training Method
4x Prof. Juniper
4x Copycat
4x Judge
2x Pokemon Collector
2x Pokemon Communication
4x Switch

Nrg: 8
4 double colorless

The strategy of this deck is simple, set up as fast as I can for a stage one field. Yamega is the big focus dropping one play copycat/judge and hit for 70 for no energy thats unaffected by resistance. Zoroark is the back up attacker allowing me to copy some of the best attacks in the meta. (especially lined up against a heavy hitter like zerkom, embor, fraligatr, etc. [hilarious against jumpluff too.]) Cleffa is there to ensure I can find a way to a good hand if i start bad, and if my opponent has 5 its a good way to set up for a next turn yanmega if they don't drop anything or dump their hand.
RE: Getting Back into the game: Masters Yanmega/Zorark

you got this idea from me didn't you

first off with junipers discarding your whole hand is such a drag but still needed at some points so...
-2 prof. juniper
+2 prof. oaks new theory
other than that i would maybe find something other than cleffa as a starter its more than likely in setup or many other times it wont work out
and consider noctowls they help immensely with that 1 extra card per turn i prefer it over sunflora

RE: Getting Back into the game: Masters Yanmega/Zorark

i know it requires a psychic energy to attack. but i kinda like spirtiomb tm as a starter. gets some dmg spread around and can be sacrificed for the use of twins. mid to late game its good to disrupt your opponent after they've used search cards and can be paired with pont to get you a better hand then you would with judge and still attack your opponent. and as fly ray said, noctowl is a good choice for that extra card that you may need.
RE: Getting Back into the game: Masters Yanmega/Zorark

fly_ray said:
you got this idea from me didn't you

first off with junipers discarding your whole hand is such a drag but still needed at some points so...
-2 prof. juniper
+2 prof. oaks new theory
other than that i would maybe find something other than cleffa as a starter its more than likely in setup or many other times it wont work out
and consider noctowls they help immensely with that 1 extra card per turn i prefer it over sunflora


Actually I've been testing this build since Black/White was announced.
Sunflora > Noctowl when your trying to set up, Drawing one card is nice, but I'd rather search into a pokemon to either drop down on the bench or food Communication.

I'll consider that Prof. Oak tech, Juniper is a little Clunky.

Cleffa is a very, very good starter for this deck, Being able to sit on a pokemon who can't take damage in a format all based around damage without effects like Machamp [Take out] is really nice, sure if its asleep it means I can't attack, but I tech switch for a reason.

silenth said:
i know it requires a psychic energy to attack. but i kinda like spirtiomb tm as a starter. gets some dmg spread around and can be sacrificed for the use of twins. mid to late game its good to disrupt your opponent after they've used search cards and can be paired with pont to get you a better hand then you would with judge and still attack your opponent. and as fly ray said, noctowl is a good choice for that extra card that you may need.

Spiritomb is a waste of space, because the pokemon has to be ready to evolve [like the errata to rare candy] so using it is pretty much pointless, this deck is consistent enough to hand me my resources and a judge to start attacking. That energy is costly too, i only teched in energy i though were essential to the deck [double colorless for zerkom is a must, and rescue energy saves me from having to wait for me to hit another yanmega line.]
I feel like you could just run some more energies instead of switches (2-4 special dark?), maybe at least a 2-2 split between the two.
wilyfungi said:
I feel like you could just run some more energies instead of switches (2-4 special dark?), maybe at least a 2-2 split between the two.

4 switch is a must in this deck, if you hit with Yanmega, they hord a card in their hand and you want to switch fast to Zerkom you better have it ready, spiritomb isn't worth having to tech specific cards in an already specific deck [although i'm concidering going 3 cleffa 1 tyogure to counter mirror cleffa starts]