Getting Energies to hand?


Skitty is so cute! <3
I need a fast way to get {L} energies to my hand fast? Trainer or a Poke-POWER/BODY. Makin' a Raichu deck. :V
In Call of Legends, I believe there will be a Pachirisu with a Power that allows you to attach two energies to it. Then you can just move it to Raichu and reuse it with SSU or Seeker.
I know that, already have it in my deck. But first I need Energies in my HAND.
Bronzong SF searches your deck for two basic Energy cards and puts them into your hand, but you must also put a card from your hand and into your deck. Cyrus' Conspiracy, Interviewer's Questions, Fisherman (from the discard), and Energy Restore (from the discard and a flip) can also get you Energy.
How about a magnezone prime, good for draw power and decent attack.
You could use some interviewer's questions to get energies from your deck
^Magnezone is for drawpower, not energy-specific...
Interviewer's Questions and Bronzong SF are the best ones to have. Use them.
^in a raichu deck you would run heavy energies so the draw power would most likly get alot of energies.
Run Interviewers Questions for draw power, and Bronzong SF

A nice addition to a raichu deck would be Electivire FB LvX from Supreme Victors for recycling the energy... discard energy from the attack and reattch using Electivire's power
Bronzong SF, Conductive Quarry, Burned Tower, Fisherman, Interviewer's Question, Energy Search, Cyrus's Conspiracy, Energy Restore.