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Ghazernado's Dark Hammer (Yveltal EX / M Lucario EX)


Aspiring Trainer
This deck is called "Ghazernado's Dark Hammer". A brief history: It started with the Dark Hammer theme deck and Malamar EX, hence the name. Many other changes were added.


  • 1x Yveltal EX
    1x Malamar EX
    1x Darkrai EX
    1x Lucario EX
    1x M Lucario EX
    1x Groudon EX
    1x Primal Groudon EX
    1x Makuhita
    1x Hariyama
    2x Pancham
    2x Pangoro
    1x Landorus
    1x Scraggy
    1x Scrafty
    1x Rhyhorn

  • 2x Ultra Ball
    2x Pokemon Fan Club
    4x Korrina
    4x Muscle Band
    4x Evosoda
    3x Energy Retrieval
    3x Professor's Letter
    1x Groudon Spirit Link
    1x Rocky Helmet
    1x Battle Compressor
    1x Pokemon Center Lady
    1x Professor Sycamore
    1x Scorched Earth

  • 5x Fighting Energy
    6x Darkness Energy
    2x Double Colorless Energy
    2x Strength Energy