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Ghetsis's Last Stand (Hydreigon PLF / Deoxys EX)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 3-0-3 Hydreigon PLF
    4 Deoxys-EX

  • 4 Rare Candy
    3 Muscle Band OR Silver Bangle
    3 Team Plasma Ball
    2 Pokemon Catcher
    1 Energy Retrieval
    2 Switch
    3 Colress Machine
    1 Bicycle
    2 Crushing Hammer
    1 Scramble Switch
    3 Training Centre

    2 Lysandre
    3 Professor Sycamore
    4 N
    2 Colress

  • 4 DBC
    4 Plasma Energy
    4 Dark Energy
    2 Rainbow Energy

Team Plasma's frosty assault on Unova continues with their leaders very own Hydreigon joining the battle. Powered up by Deoxys-EX's special ability Power Connect you can wreak havoc on your opponents benched Pokemon with Tractorbeam, then wipe them off the map with Obsidian Fang. Trainer cards Lysandre and Pokemon Catcher are powerful arsenals to assist in your total control of the playing field. With Training Center and Muscle Band, Ghetsis's dragon becomes veritably invincible!

Okay...so with this deck I'm focusing on another hardly-used gimmicky card. I just can't stay away from them... A very simple list of Pokemon here. Evolve Deino with Rare Candy and gather Deoxys-EX on to the bench with Team Plasma Balls.

Training Centre is a stadium that boosts the HP of Stage 1 & 2 Pokemon by 30, so Hydreigon has 180HP. In an ideal scenario, with 4 Deoxys-EX on the bench and a Muscle Band attached, Tractorbeam (1 Dark and 1 DBC/2 Plasma) can hit for 100, knocking out most basic non-EX cards. Even though Tractorbeam is a major point of this deck I still have Lysandre and Pokemon Catcher so I can ensure KOs by using Obsidian Fang straight away (1 Dark, 1 DBC, 1 Plasma).

Major downfall is being slow to set up (though not all of the time) and letting the opponent get ahead before Deino is even evolved. Could this be helped with more draw support, even though I have plenty already? But it can redeem itself, even if I don't get set up till turn 6, I can still turn the game around in my favor. I'm surprised the deck is going sort of well for me as this Hydreigon has so much bad reviews that I assumed it wouldn't be any good. It must frustrate opponents so much having their Pokemon shifted back and forth beyond their control and knocked out one by one! And playing the Ghetsis battle music from B1W1 in the background :p

I added Rainbow Energy just in case I need to fight with Deoxys-EX against fighting decks.
Sorry to burst your bubble. But i think doesn't get a power boost from deoxys.
The ability states: Your Team Plasma Pokémon's attacks (excluding Deoxys-EX) do 10 more damage to the Active Pokémon (before applying Weakness and Resistance).

This ability usually only counts to attacks that have a base damage. By that i mean Obsidian Fang has an 80 on the far right. So it would be 80+10 per deoxys. However, Tractor Beam does not have any base damage, and it just does 40 to the new active pokemon as an affect rather than an actual attack. Muscle band works in a similar way. It wont give bonus damage to an attack that has no base damage.

Though maybe i'm wrong idk. Correct me if im wrong anyone.

Either way only have 7 basic pokemon is a terrible idea if 3 of them have to evolve. You probably want to add other big basic pokemon. Maybe absol or Plasma darkrai. Though i have no idea what that does.

To make space for more pokemon, you probably need to drop some of the less useful cards. Like crushing hammer, a training center, maybe 2 energy, and possible catchers.

You probably also want to add a sacred ash. You are bound to lose a few Deino and stuff before you set up. If 1 is prized and 1 gets knocked out turn 1, all you have is 1 attacker potentially. So 4 of Deino and 1 sacred as is probably a must.

With this energy scheme you can probably add in a Lugia and it would probably work pretty well.
I also assumed that Tractorbeam would be a static 40 damage no matter what but actually it does get the power boosts from Deoxys-EX and Muscle Band. Unless that's an error of the TCGO.

Yeah I have been finding it hard to get a decent starting hand with basic Pokemon. I hate having only Deoxys as my starting Pokemon. It means I have to waste energy on it when I'd rather be powering up Hydreigon. So annoying! Especially when I can't even attack with Deoxys due to too few Rainbow Energy in the deck and not being able to access any. Sometimes I don't draw a Deino till the opponent has taken their 4th prize card...even after using N after N. Is it possible to make this a lot more consistent? I added a 4th Deino and it didn't help.

I have both PLF Absol and Plasma Darkrai so thanks for suggesting those. Both look good. Absol probably more useful damage-wise.
You should probably try add ultra balls and skylas. These 2 cards make decks with evolutions much more consistent.

Probably like 3 skyla 3 ultra ball will make this deck much more consistent. As i said earlier you probablyhave to cut some of the less important stuff and stream line this deck.

-1 Bicycle/Training center
-2 Plasma Ball
-2 Crushing Hammer
-2 DCE
-2 Catcher/Lysandre
+3 Skyla
+3 Ultra Ball
+1 Deino
+1 Zweilous/Pokemon Fan Club
+1 Hydreigon
Thanks Ivy =) I have been experimenting more with the deck. I substituted Thundurus EX for the Deoxys EX to see if it would help speed up the process of getting Hydreigon ready to attack, but it didn't really help, and they really need that extra damage boost from Deoxys. So I went back to Deoxys but the deck still struggles to get set up and by that time it is usually too late.

The first times I played with the deck it was really successful, but maybe that was luck. There was one opponent who whinged that I was only winning because I was using "OP" cards (Hydreigon) :p But it's not really OP. I think PLF Hydreigon would be an awesome card if it wasn't a Stage 2, as that really slows the set up down.