Pokemon Ghost Pokemon easier to catch?

Dragon Rider Of PokeBeach

Thread Killer
I was wondering if ghosts are easier to catch with a pokeball because when I was catching my Giratana (Lvl 70 Ghost/Dragon) I threw an Ultra ball with only one wiggle, Great Ball two wiggles or three, but on my first Pokeball (a regular old tiny pokeball) and I caught it. Anybody know why???
I don't know why but it seems pokeballs and lower leveled pokemon have higher catching rates. For example I was battling a Mespirit and had a level 100 Torterra. 1 shake. A level 56 Lucario 2-3 wiggles. I also saw a video of catching Arceus. Level one battling it. Throws pokeball and caught.
Pokeballs are meant for low weight pokemon as well as level. Great balls are made for medium level and weight and Ultra balls are for heavyweight and high levels. That is why your catch rate is good.:)
I once managed to catch a rayquaza in one ultra ball. I am not sure how, but I did it. I once caught entei with a great ball. It was very weak and I just threw the ball for luck and it was caught.
There's no Pokemon easier to catch than another, (y'all know what I mean. No I Lv.3 Weedle is easier than Kyogre now).

It might've been just luck..I've no clue.

Arcanine out.
In my FR version it took only 6 ultra balls to catch Mewtwo but in LG it took 87 so I think it is some what true luck but not all luck.:)
Threw a first turn timerball at groudon (EM) for fun. I was battling with lv 12 Marril (I was training it and forgot to switch its position) 1 shake

2 shake

3 shake

I caught it:p
If ultra balls are best against heavyweights,then giratina should have mos definitely been caught in the ultra ball :S
When I saw my Shiny (legit) Swablu.
I threw a Premier ball.
1st time it got in it! (Full Heath & all!)
It took me 1 Pokeball to capture Groudon full health, that was pure luck, I wonder if luck changes when you only have 1 ball left in your entire bag? Whenever I have 1 left, I catch whatever im battling.
The luck is always the same. In my FR version when I was catching the legendary birds I always ended up with 6 ultra balls left so I thing it is a 50/50 chance when catching a Pokemon.:)
The way how the capture rate will be high is by these determined values

Level, Hp, Status ,Legendary or not and the more efficient pokeballs
I was told by someone yrs ago. Pokeballs have a catch rate, meaning that every time you start the game to get a Pokemon. The first ball you use has a predetermined odds of how effective it will be in getting the Pokemon each time you start it. Take for instance catching Uxie. Doesn't run, or anything. Save in front of it, and battle. Everytime you try and get it, the Pokeballs you throw don't react the same each time. Battle it, get it in red toss an Ultra ball. Breaks out with no wiggle. Second attempt, it might wiggle twice. I've heard of people getting legendary's with Pokeballs, Great balls, and Ultra balls. It can be done on either one. Just different odds of it working depending on the Ball used, and the odds the ball has of working. In Diamond i caught Uxie with one Ultra ball. Azelf it took 3 to get him. Mesprit required a lot of restarts.
<i>There's no Pokemon easier to catch than another, (y'all know what I mean. No I Lv.3 Weedle is easier than Kyogre now).

Check Serebii's D/P dex, it has listings for the catch rates of each Pokemon, and there is a wide range of values.