Ruling Giant Stump


Team Twilight 4eva \m/
How popular will Giant Stump be in upcoming tournaments because it can really detrosy many deck strategies?
RE:  Giant Stump

Lord9511 said:
Giant Stump can cut a lot of power from Ludicolos. I think that I am gonna get pwned by a giant stump:p.
I know. Everybody said GS would kill Ludicargo ever since they heard of it. How popular will it be?
pretty popular because alot of Gengar decks run it as well as 2 ruins. it helps them and destroys you. in my gengar i run it, and it really makes people mad.

Arcanine out.
Not sure any archetype really uses giant Stump as their strategy. It could be usefull, when you do have a full bench, late game, and you've taken damage, retreated 2 or so pokemon, you can play giant stump and just discard those pokemon, instead of losing prizes for them.

A way to use Giant Stump is to counter decks that require big benches, ones that would use Mew ex, or depend on pokepowers and pokebodies.

I dont think many decks play Stump at the moment, and I dont think ANY decks I know of play 4 of them. Battle Frontier and Desert Ruins just offer so much more in todays environment than Giant Stump does. Having 4 pokemon in play is quite a lot, and most decks dont need more than 4 pokemon out for their strategy to work.

I can see it being annoying in certain situations though. For example if your opponent has 6 pokemon in play, use Stump, and then grab a KO, and they're suddenly down to 3 (although some of their strong pokemon will probably still be alive). Also, playing it so your opponent can't play splashable basics (eg. Lugia ex or Mewtwo d); and of course, healing your own pokemon.

It's a useful card, that could work wonders when used properly, but if you're going into a tournament, I'd be surprised if you saw a lot of Giant Stumps played. I think Ruins and Frontier are the gyms of choice at the moment for most decks.

Well, looks like i could use Giant Stump in my Venusaur and metagross deck...for some reason I can't get more than 2 benched pokémon when I'm playing...
RE:  Giant Stump

Secretsmeargle said:

I dont think many decks play Stump at the moment, and I dont think ANY decks I know of play 4 of them. Battle Frontier and Desert Ruins just offer so much more in todays environment than Giant Stump does. Having 4 pokemon in play is quite a lot, and most decks dont need more than 4 pokemon out for their strategy to work.

I can see it being annoying in certain situations though. For example if your opponent has 6 pokemon in play, use Stump, and then grab a KO, and they're suddenly down to 3 (although some of their strong pokemon will probably still be alive). Also, playing it so your opponent can't play splashable basics (eg. Lugia ex or Mewtwo d); and of course, healing your own pokemon.

It's a useful card, that could work wonders when used properly, but if you're going into a tournament, I'd be surprised if you saw a lot of Giant Stumps played. I think Ruins and Frontier are the gyms of choice at the moment for most decks.


You're right because let's sat you can play these 3 Stadiums:

1). Battle Frontier

2). Cursed Stone

3). Giant Stump

BF and CS are A LOT better than GS. BF and CS can hurt a lot of decks while GS slightly damages a few decks. Giant Stump is is deffinately better as a tech than you're main line of Stadiums.
I use a stump in my dustox ex deck, because i on my bench there's mostly, a pidgeot, a kingdra, another dustox ex and a tangelaretreat the wounded dustox ex, play giant stump and your opponent take no prize cards at all, that's the best way to play giant stump, I think

not only GS hurts your opponetts but it can help if you are playing a bannett deck or a frlg slowbro deck you get a lot of poke on bench then discard the very injured poke on the bench.
Giant Stump helps vs.

Mercury (If thats a real deck)
And alot more.

I play 2 in Medicham Ex.
Some people play GS with SMP and LBS decks. I forgot to mention Dusty EX and arcanine EX for more disruption.
I think space center is going to beome very used soon becasue of Latias and Latios it stopes them from killing evoled poke bodies wich is important to me because I am playing NOPRIZEFORYOU deck with shednijas in it...

only good thing about stumb is getting rid of your dead pokemon but if you dont have some wat to get rid of it is not such a good idea...
yea it kills alot of decks but also if u have pokemon that are about to die on u, then its a helpful thing, but then u have to start all over again.

B_F: Don't talk in all caps.