Gigas is so pro <3, T4 city report


We will bury you
Day 1: Coral Springs.

The whole week wrestling had consumed my life (and will take it back over tomorrow lol) so I wasn't really able to test too much. I messed around with Magnezone/Feraligatr. The deck was pretty good, but it was hurt by power spray and any sort of bench switching tactics. I avoided it. My only true options were Regigigas, a deck that I had done well with but needed a bit of time to make a good list, or Vilegar, who failed vs Dialgachomp, and eh just didn't seem great. I chose Gigas for day 1, with honchkrow SV tech and rainbows. Seemed really funky, and I wondered if rainbows being unsearchable in my deck would actually hinder me at all. Last minute before lists were due, I had cut Chatot G and Relicanth for 1-1 Abomasnow. I hoped that it was the right choice. My list was very funky. Two players looked at it and called it clunky hahahaha. Notttt.

Round 1 vs Katherine C w/Jumpluff

I have a very nice uxie/mesprit start to her Uxie start. I go second and collector for Regigigas, Regice, Uxie. I go to town and belt gigas, setup, etc. Eventually she sets up a Spiritomb (I was picking at her bench, dragging things off, doing everything to prevent her from using tomb). She tomb s to a Pluff and I know that I need to keep a consistent powerlock to win. I watch the damage output and keep moving her bench around, shuffling basics and such. Eventually prizes are 3-3and I KO a belted Jumpluff using Seeker and Crobat G. She responds with a KO (my gigas had 150 damage on it), and I didnt sacrifice because she had 1 prize as well. I get Uxie X, regimove, and KO her spiritomb for game.


Round 2, vs Larry A w/ "Scarecrow" (Honchkrow SP box)

My start was pretty hot. I got out a gigas T2 and started dragging off things. He brought out a gastly SF and I was like heck noooo, and I double flash bite belt drag offed FTW. Then I drug off a Garchomp C for KO, and honchkrow SV sweeped the rest. The game sucked for him because everything that I needed to happen, did happen. Eventually, he drags up my Regice. I warp back and KO something for game.

Round 3 vs Jon V w/ Vilegar

We both knew what each other were playing. I was pretty disappointed and it really didn't look good for me. Supposebly, the matchup is an autoloss. I had techs for the matchup but still, eh. I open Gigas, collector, DCE, rainbow, belt, uxie, ??, to his ditto/uxie start. I play down a mesprit, bind, and I have a collector and initiative T1. I'm thinking...collector ftw, but then my gut was screaming "INITIATIVE!" Well, I initiative...DOUBLE HEADS. Sick. Bye bye collector and energy :). From there, it's pretty smooth sailing. Disrupt, powerlock, KO bench, I try to setup Honch SV but he does a good job at KOing it, but it doesn't really matter. GG man, soz

Round 4 vs Roberto A w/ Vilegar

Yay. A whole hour of Vilegar. I open nicely with a collector and uxie lol, to his Unown Q/Oddish start. I go first and KO his Q. He collectors for spiritomb, uxie, gastly, and from there I KO oddish with crobat, SSU, uxie. I collector for Mesprit, Murkrow, Regice. I decide that to win this game, I need to take quick prizes with Honch. Well, that's exactly what I do. He doesn't get to fire off more than 1 spiritomb darkness grace. After turn 8, the prize count is 6-1 me, but I lose a lot of steam. He KO's honch with fainting spell. I attempt to get abomasnow, but he lost zones it with Gengar prime! I build up a Drag Off Gigas and finally drag a damaged spiritomb active for game. GG

Round 5 vs Roberto P w/ Uxie Donk

I can't believe that i'm playing down. The game drags, he misses the donk and we play until time. He keeps stealing prizes and I get a terrible start. It blows. I start winning, he starts slow playing. I didn't wanna seem like a jack-o-lanturn, so I just ignorred it. Last turn of the game, it's clear that I lose. I say mesprit to bench, and the final turn he calls a judge over and says "he didn't declare psychic bind so blah blah ). Then the judge points out that he won anyways, and he says "Oh, well I would have let him take it back blah blah . I lol, sign the match slip and leave.

Top cut.

Round 6 vs Roberto P w/ Uxie Donk

Game 1:

He seeker donks me.

Game 2:

He seeker donks me.


Jon Viveros (LTG, you the man cuzzo) BEST MERGE LANE DRIVER EVER
Wendy's Chipotle burger, so good lawl
Oreo shakes :)
My gut for sticking with gigas
Gigas <3

Uxie donk taking no skill
Rude players

I'm guessing you're running a disruption build Gigas built around Power Lock and annoyance? I'd like to know what kind of meta you my meta almost anything goes and I have to be very wary of Machamp. That's what caused me to bomb out when I went to Cities with my own Gigas (which is primarily a pure power+anti-meta build that I've been tweaking ever since I built it a year ago).

Heavy props my man, a shame you lost to Uxie donk (I don't understand that deck very well at all...I can see Shuppet Donk, but not Uxie donk...), and his stalling for time. Seeker ew...
He can hit for 100+, and seeker. My metagame is Machamp, Gyarados, small SP bits, Jumpluff, and Vilegar. I still managed to truck through with the tank! I teched a few cards that helped me A LOT though. 2 Judge/1 Initiative was great as well. Only complaint was removing premier ball, but otherwise...
You ditched Premier Ball in Gigas? How could you?!

And as far as I know Uxie needs a belt and 6 of any combination of Bats, Blower's, and Pluspowers. Plus the errata.
I did. Honchkrow SV was much more worth it, although I may cut another card for a premier ball.

Billy-Thanks man, I tried.
If I knew I wasn't gonna play Gigas I would've traded you my Drag Off to you...How many did you end up playing?
Don't start bashing my friend or accusing him of 'slow play' because you're upset he played (and beat you) with Uxie donk. I heard that you didn't even shake his hand after, very sportsman-like =/
Lol I got MEGA slow played that game, and yeah brb lemee use a deck that takes no skill. I'm sorry that your friend is a liar. I didn't shake his hand after? Oh, sorry didn't wanna catch liar germs /sarcasm.

People these dayssssssssss....smh

T- It's all good buddy, i'm (most likely) done with Gigas for awhile. It has to come into a metagame unprepared for it really, I forced it this City.
Hey even if there are those germs then if your so good then you should not be able to catch them right? So the point is you could have been nicer. Good job I guessss
