Giggle Lock <3 T2 Masters Report (UNDEFEATED IN SWISS)


We will bury you
Battle roads has been quite interesting for me. The first BR, I took 2nd with Gengar/Vileplume. The second BR, I played it again and went 3-2, losing to a bad start and exact mirror. The 3rd BR went quite well, my best one ever tbh. My friend Alex and I were trying to decide on decks. I built Garchomp.Box and it was OK, but had alot of trouble taking its last 2 prizes against SP, and I knew that there would be alot of SP. I figured that the meta would look something like this (Luxchomp/Dialgachomp/Gengar/Vileplume). Well, I was basically right. There were more random decks than i had figured, though.

Alex really wanted to play my Gengar/Vileplume. I built a mediocre Gigas list and played him and got steamrolled. I then built Sablelock and got steamrolled again. I was really getting aggravated. I figured that if I played Gigas, I could make a pretty solid list. Last BR season i took 2nd with Gigas, so the rotatoin couldn't hurt that badly, could it?

So anyways, we get to the event and I forget my wallet -__-. Ma boy Jon (LtheGreat) saves me again and hooks me up with the cash flowww, ya diggg? So whatevs I build another Gigas in 10 minutes balancing Disruption/Damage Output/Speed (DDS I like to call it). DDS is vital in all decks, and everything must be balanced, or it throws your decks ability to function out the window. I drop a few energy for some Sage's, and debate on whether I should add in the poketurn/Chatot G/ Crobat engine. Danny Altavilla and Danny P save me with collectors and junk, Tyraniking hooks me up with some collectors as well, and I get an uxie X from Tony. Let me tell you something. Without Uxie X, I wouldn't have been undefeated.

Round 1 vs Tony B. (Dialgachomp)

Cool. I play one of the coolest guys ever (and he's sick at Pokemanz). So i figure, OK, I got this. Just gotta be very careful. We start and I have 3 fighting, a uxie, a uxie x, a mesprit, a communication. I go first, topdeck collector. He locks me up with Roserade and my Mesprit can't move. i have a warp point though. Phew, that was a close one. Start setting up Regigigas Drag Off, Psychic Bind him with Mesprit, Q Uxie, etc. We exchange a few prizes. I have a belted Gigas with 6 energy on it. He literally drops Lucario GL, Metal, Gain, galactic switch into energy to Luke, turn, KO. My mouth dropped, MIND=BLOWN. W/E. Uxie X says hello, and slices it for another prize. I start setting up another Gigas Drag Off. I have a crobat in my hand. he snipes out Uxie X with garchomp C X, and we are both trying to set up again. I draw a poketurn, but my bench is full. I discard 2 cards with Regice, "Snackrifice" for some energy after I rescue my Giggles X, and then I Ko an Azelf. He sends up Uxie and I only have 3 energy. He attaches to Garchomp and passes, he has game next turn. I drop Crobat G, play a Sages training, pray for an expert belt out of 8 cards, and rip it! Attach the belt, drag off Garchomp for the game! Incredible game, Tony!


Round 2 vs Jon V (Jumplock)
(Jon's a BOSS)
I knew his whole deck, and he knew mine. I helped him work with a sort of sablelockish Jumpluff build. I start and have 3 fighting, a uxie, a mesprit, and a collector. Alright, i can work with it. Collector for Drag Off Gigas, Uxie, Q. Q Uxie, he has an active sneasel. I power lock and attach a DCE. He benches a few basics and passes. I attach again and drag off a hoppip for the KO. I belt gigas as well. He claw snags my Gigas X out of my hand, and luckily I have a Pokemon Rescue to get it back. I level up, sacrifice, cyrus initiative (2 heads) get rid of his supporters, use Chatot G to give him a BTS (one was already in play), SSU Mesprit and Bind again. I think I binded for 8 turns out of 10 this game? I know that I chatot at least 4 times. I pretty much steamroll him from there, he can't setup.


Round 3 vs Mitch P (Gyarados)

Mitch is another one of my great friends and an incredible player at that. He's playing Gyarados with some sick techs that I don't want to mention. We both start and they are some pretty horrific starts, I have 4 energy (LOL). I start setting up a Gigas and he tries to get a Sableye active. I mess with his top decks and seriously bind him horribly. eventually I am set-up and I start taking prizes like mad. My field is almost ideal with a Regigigas drag off with a belt active, belted benched fully charged gigas, Crobat G, mesprit, uxie X. I take some damage from promocroak but sacrifice it off and return KO. He then gets up a Gyarados, but doesn't have a belt. i judge him the turn before and rip his hand up. So he swings fro 90, I sacrifice it off, and return KO with a bat drop. From there, he has nothing left. GG


Round 4 vs Dawn G (Luxchomp)

My deck was used last format to eat Luxchomp alive, so I had to try and do it again this format. The thing is, I cut down a little on my disruption to help fit in Abomasnow tech, so i only play 1 Initiative, and 1 Judge. Oh well. We both get pretty average starts. I collector for Gigas, Mesprit, Uxie and being to setup. Basically we exchange prizes like mad. I get hit by Promocorak and sacrifice it off, take a prize, she snipes a prize, and it gets down to 1-1 prizes. She has a charged Luxray and I know that she has the X in her hand, she has game next turn. I Psychic Bind, and she scoops.


Round 5 vs ???(Charizard)

Lol. Charizard? I should have no trouble.....oh man. I go first, bad start. Oh man, candy into Charizard? Oh boy. I'm screwed. The first 3 turns, he takes 3 prizes. Finally, I start to go on the offensive and drag up his Typhlosion on the bench. His bench (Ninetails, charmander, charizard, charizard fully charged w/belt, uxie, uxie). My bench (Mesprit,Uxie,Gigas, active belted 3 energy gigas). He doesn't attach to anything and passes. I'm like...wut? So whatever, I drag off again (this time belted) and don't move Typhlosion, meanwhile I Psychic Bind. He draws and then passes. I Drag off Uxie for 50. He attaches to Uxie, Retreats, and brings up Charizard (Belted) hitting me for 130. I have been silently building Abomasnow. I evolve, attach, retreat Gigas, and hit for 90+paralysis. He draw passes, and I then snow play for 3 prizes, bringing me back into the game. The prizes are tied 3-3. He brings up a Charizard and quickly "KO's" me, but I show him my body and he's 10 off. I retreat into Gigas, sacrifice Mesprit, Pokemon Rescue it, and Nail his zard, goodnight =]. From there, he has nothing left. I drag off a damaged Azelf for 50. He attaches, retreats, candies into Charizard. I take the 50, and Drag off a damaged Uxie for game.


Top Cut as the #1 Seed

Top 4 vs Mitch P. (Gyarados)
Game 1:

We both get pretty crappy starts but deal with them. I actually turn my band start into an incredible one and get a T2 Gigas. There's really nothing much that happened. I dragged off, took KO's when I needed to, and sacrificed all of the damage off of me.

Game 2:

Identical to game 1

Top 2 vs Dawn G (Luxchomp)
Game 1:

Really lame. mesprit/Uxie start. She gets an amazing start. I can't get anything going really, I get up a Regigigas but it is quickly knocked out by Lucario GL after I KO 2 Garchomp C's. So lame. I tried to SSU 3 times, 0/3 on flips. Figures, right?

Game 2:
Basically summed like this. I try to Initiative to rid her of 1 spray to go haywire on her field. 0/2, and 0/3 on SSU once again. Oh well, I played the best I could.

2nd with Giggles.

Giggles <3
Jon V
Mitch P
Alex K
Drag off, skrait up G
Danny P
Danny A
Larry A (throws the best events in SoFla, if you live in FL, it's worth it to drive to Cool Stuff games next week for his next Battle Road).
Packs were pretty good Ebay bait.

Forgetting my wallet
Average MTG pack
You again? You with your Gigas that keeps putting my highly bizarre list to shame. This is a bit of a secret, but I aspire to be as good of a Gigas player as you. My list is bizarre in the sense that it's half Regigigas, half SPs, but leaning more towards the Gigas side. It makes more sense when you see it in action, but wow, Drag Off with Abomasnow...NOW I understand how this deck works.

He brings up a Charizard and quickly "KO's" me, but I show him my body and he's 10 off.

I highly encourage you to play your own list, although I will be posting my list after Battle Roads.


Drag off to set up prizes and Snow Play to take multiple prizes is useful only when you're playing something that abomasnow warrants usage as. For example, I can paralyze charizard and KO it next turn, while still spreading. If I tried that VS Luxchomp however, they would healing breath it off unless I psychic binded, which would be a pain just to take a few prizes on smaller targets.
You kicked some major butt, my man. Awesome job with Gigas, you've really come a long way from your GeChamp days lol.

Since I'm gone and out of the picture, you've got to beat everyone for me. :D
I'm assuming this was at one of the Orlando BR? If so, which day was it? I was at both this weekend, and wish I could've caught up with you.
Champ-Thanks. I'm actually becoming a pretty solid player nowadays. I really don't misplay much at all anymore, although when I lose it's normally a bad start (not to sound cocky or anything).

Snorlax- Pembroke Pines, FL.
I do have a list, but its really pretty bad. I just wanted to see what set up cards you were playing.
Wow, Second with Gigas again? Good job. Only reason I didn't post my report was because I was fairly new to the deck, I only won against two noobs, lost against my 3rd worst matchup (Gengar meh. Surprised you didn't see any. Only this wasn't Plumegar, it was with Garchomp C) and lost against the other Danny's Gigas because I start with REGICE and no Collector until he takes a bunch of prizes. The only prize I took was because he misplayed and Sacrificed his Sableye. So I got, what, 6th probably? IDK, my dad was rushing me to get out, I hardly even remembered to give back my Promo Gigas (Which I FINALLY got in the mail one day late >_< ). After BRs, I probably won't run Gigas any more, because it's just not my play style.
Sage's Training is one of the best cards for the deck. Engineers as well. You need to play a bit more energy than usual so you ca actually abuse engineer though. Sage just is probably one of the BEST cards in the format imo. Soooo good.

Headache matchup. Uxie active hits champ for 50, then sac it while setting up an abomasnow and an Uxie X. Uxie X swings for 110. Abomasnow spreads 20, has a body that prevents 20, and if you evolve that turn yo can deal 60+ paralysis. I haven't played the matchup but generally, quick abomasnow setup to hit for 60 +paralysis, then get a bat and drop it on champ, hit again, and KO. Now you can setup a basic uxie and a Uxie X to hit it. If aboma goes down, Uxie basic comes in an hits for 50. Champ KO's it, then uxie X one shots it and lives to tell the tale. They wont be getting up 3 machamps.

Tryraniking- I'll reply when I get back from wresling practice.
Tyraniking- I want your promo gigas, all those cards you wanted from me for it :)
Your build just needs some work imo. You got unlucky with regice, but i didnt have a gigas start at all that day!! You gotta maximize consistancy my man. My build wasnt really made for dominating luxchomp, but now it is
^Will you be running it outside of BRs? I'll trade it to you afterwards, maybe. I might even need a second one.

Thing is, I didn't get Collector in that opening hand for a long time. I'm gonna try to rebuild it to make a T2 set up. Without DCE it could get set up by T2, but it wasn't great late game. I'm gonna try maxing DCE so I can get a T2 Drag Off or Gigaton Punch, and just get Gigas leveled up and use Giga Blaster for late game. Because Drag Off is extremely annoying.
It is very possible. I need a drag off for brads though =/

You need DCE lawlz. The best attack is drag off. Mesprit to bind and then you know that there's no way they're retreating unless they warp energy, which most decks don't even play. Evn if they do, cyrus initiative rids them of those suckers ^_^

Best finish-Psychic Bind, Cyrus Initiative/Judge, KO with giga blaster. They WILL NOT win if you can pull that off. I've finished so many games with that and there's just no way to recover at all.
I don't really run Initiative because I flip a lot of tails. Not sure how you can get T2, mine is hardly even teched.
Wow. I can't believe you made top cut with Regigigigigas. Drag Off is overlooked so much it's not even funny. Essentially, you have a Bright Look attack. With bulky HP and Giggles LV.X (I loved your name for this monster), this is ingenious. Congrats dude.
Espeon- Lawl thanx man, it was nothin :,D. Drag off is seriously so overlooked. So many decks play cards that have trouble retreating, and with cyrus initiative to get rid of warp energy, mesprit to ensure that unown Q isn't attached, and etc, you can really just have a ball dragging up things with huge retreat costs.

Finding space for the deck is extremely difficult though, especially if you want to dominate luxchomp =/