GIMP colour question.


Ludicolo Is Firin' His Lazer!
So i made something at school on Photoshop and sent it home. Opened it on GIMP and it was grey although it was a firey red at school. I check if grayscale is on, nope it on RGB (red, green, blue i think that means). So i think i'll just change it. I go to colour balance, remembering to be on the text layer and start changing the dragger things to see if it changes, but no. it stays gray. I check if preview is on and it is. So do you people know whats wrong?
You might want to check if your work is saved as a .psd file. I only use Photoshop so I don't know much about GIMP other than basic editing and filters that are similar, but I would assume the program uses a different default file type, so the .psd might have been partially corrupted in the program if it doesn't accept it as a compatible file (or if you saved it incorrectly in Photoshop). Try checking what files you can export from GIMP, if .psd is actually on there it's probably a graphical settings issue instead.
the best thing to open a .psd file with is photoshop itself. While Gimp can open .psd files I dont know if it'll look the same (presumably it will but there's no telling if Gimp decodes the .psd in the exact same manner as photoshop)