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Giratina and Gardvoir


Aspiring Trainer
I'm back! After the failure of my last deck, I decided to try and use something completely different. It seems to get me 50/50 wins in the online TCG, been thinking about taking it to league tomorrow. Anyways, here it is:

4x Giratina (Plasma)
3-1-3 Gardevoir (Mirage)
1x Mewtwo EX

4x Colress Machine
1x Dowsing Machine
2x Energy Retrieval
4x Lazers
3x Pokemon Catcher
2x Rare Candy
3x Switch
3x Ultra Ball
2x Virbank Gym
2x Eviolite

3x N
3x Juniper
4x Skyla

6x Psychic
2x DCE
4x Plasma Energy

Giratina is the main attacker, powered up by both plasma energy and Gardevoir's ability. Eviolite keeps it alive longer, and is very necessary due to it's small HP. It goes out, and attacks with Hex as quick as possible (I've had varying success with Shadow Claw though, Gardevoir makes this easy to use).. it can donk quite easilly, when paired with Lazers and Virbank, but it's high risk/high reward. Mewtwo is there as a secondary, and/or to counter other Mewtwo. The only thing I'm really afraid of is Darkrai.. though for some reason nobody is using it online, so I haven't tested it yet. Lemme know what you think.
First thing is that EX-heavy decks (which is mostly everything) are going to give your Giratinas a hard time unless on the first turn you laser and manage a 100 damage Hex. Being psychic is good against mewtwos, but dark weakness means getting OHKO'd by Night Spear (depending on how many Darkrais you battle). Also special conditions are not too helpful against Keldeo/Blastoise because of Rush In, but the Poison/100 dmg Hex helps a bit. Ralts's may be easy snipe targets, 2HKO from Night Spear or simply catcher. The idea behind this is pretty good though, just not the best in the current speed EX format.
Good luck! (not being sarcastic, I come across as that quite often)
That's what I hate so much about this format. No matter how many good/original ideas people make for decks, it's easily trumped by the same EX cards. Oh well.. I tried. Guess I need to figure out which EX Pokemon I want to abuse.. >_>

I dunno.. what if I threw out the Gardevoir line, stuck in 3 Darkrai and 2 Sableye (near infinite lazers), and changed the trainers around a bit.. perhaps even using Plasma Frigate to negate the darkness weakness. Ya think that could be viable? Also, blend energy has psychic and darkness in one card.. that could be something.