• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

Giratina-Dark Deck Local League tournements

Chung 730

Aspiring Trainer
3-1 Giratina
1-1 Absol G
2-2 Houndoom UD
4 Sableye UD
1 Honchkrow G
1 Unkown "DARK"
2 Togekiss C
(18 Pokemon)

4-Team Rocket Trickery
2-Pokemon Communication
2-Cyrus's Initiative
2-Bebe's Search
2-Energy Search
1-Emcee's Chatter
1-Great Ball
1-Cynthia's Guidance
1-Palmer's Contribution
1-Underground Expedition
1-Lookers Investigation
1-Good Rod
1-Super Scoop up
1-Professor Oaks New Theory
1-Energy Exchanger
(23 T/S/S)

(18 energy)

Main strategy is to get Giratina Lvl X out and just wreck.. Using Trainers, Houndoom, Absol lv X to slow down and disrupt opponent. Sableye is in there because if i have more cards then my opponent it does 2 for 50 damage and then when i have a lot of cards in my hand use absol Lv X and discard cards from my hand and use 2 for 60 damage.
You need better draw power than all these odd supporters how about uxis LA and engineers adjustments (because of all those energies you got in this deck).Azelf in case girtina or absol are prized. energy exchanger because of if you have a psychic but you need a dark. weavile you get to look at your oppenets hand and choose one to discard. pokemon collector will help alot. you needed many more scoop ups for absol and weavile and uxie. What girtina are you using? hopefully the one that has the poke body let loose that will help!
-1 great ball
-1 cynthias guidance
-1 underground expidition
-1 lookers investigation
-1 good rod
-1 poketurn
-1 unkown (dark)
-1 emcee chatter
-2 energy search
-2 togekiss c
-3 rainbow energy
-1 dark energy
+3 super scoop up
+2 uxie LA
+1 azelf LA
+1-1 absol G
+2 engineers adjustments
+1 energy exchanger
+2-2 weavile UD
+2 pokemon collector