Hi! My 8yo son has been getting into Pokemon TCG over the last 2 months. He's doing pretty well - played in his first tournament yesterday and got 2nd place. Not bad, considering his deck's really heavy on ~ 25 mostly fire Pokémon including 4 Volcanions, a Volcanion EX, 2 Houdoum EXs, 1 Charizard EX, 1 M Charizard EX, 1 M Houdoum EX. He has the usual suspects in there too (Ns, Lysandres, VS Seekers, etc). We were planning to build him a Volcanion Deck, but haven't found any Shaymins yet.
Before we get too invested in sticking to the Volcanion deck, I was wondering if anyone might want to take a look at his GX, EX and Mega EX cards below and offer some thoughts on alternative decks to strive for?
He's got a metric -ton of other Pokemon cards - mostly from Steam Siege and Evolutions. He's got all the trainer / supporter sets covered I think.
FWIW he went to the Sun and Moon prerelease today and was thrilled to picked up an Espeon GX, so something with that would be great.
TIA for any thoughts while I level up my Pokéknowledge!
Before we get too invested in sticking to the Volcanion deck, I was wondering if anyone might want to take a look at his GX, EX and Mega EX cards below and offer some thoughts on alternative decks to strive for?
- Espeon GX (Sun & Moon)
- Decidueye GX (Sun & Moon)
- M Pidgeot EX (Evolutions)
- M Beedril EX (Promo)
- M Scizor EX (Breakpoint)
- M Diancie EX (Promo)
- M Slobro EX (Evolutions)
- M Charizard EX (Evolutions)
- M Gengar EX (Phantom Forces)
- M Mewtwo EX (Breakthrough)
- M Houdoum EX (Breakthrough)
- M Tyranitar EX (Ancient Origins)
- Diancie EX (Fates Collide)
- BlastoiseEX (Evolutions)
- Glalie EX (Breakthrough)
- Xerneas EX (Promo)
- Genesect EX (Fates Collide)
- Beedril EX (Promo)
- Charizard EX (Flashfire) - not usable in "standard"
- Charizard EX (Promo)
- Slowbro EX (Evolutions)
- Houdom EX (Breakthrough)
- Houdom EX (Breakthrough)
- Volcanion EX (Promo)
- Gengar EX (Phantom Forces)
- Pidgeot EX (Evolutions)
- Mewtwo EX (Breakthrough)
- Nidoking (Evolutions)
- Nidoking (Evolutions)
- Luxray (Breakpoint)
- Ninetales (Evolutions)
- Florges (Breakthrough)
- Machamp (Evolutions)
- Yveltal (Steam Siege)
- Delphox (Fates Collide)
- Golduck (Breakpoint)
- Starmie (Evolutions)
- Marowak (Breakthrough)
He's got a metric -ton of other Pokemon cards - mostly from Steam Siege and Evolutions. He's got all the trainer / supporter sets covered I think.
FWIW he went to the Sun and Moon prerelease today and was thrilled to picked up an Espeon GX, so something with that would be great.
TIA for any thoughts while I level up my Pokéknowledge!