Discussion Glaceon GX/Kartana GX???


Aspiring Trainer
I am just throwing out an idea, but does anybody think Glaceon GX could be played with Kartana GX? You would play it by having at least one Glaceon GX and 2 Kartana GX in play. You would have a powered up Kartana GX attack with Gale Blade and shuffle it into your deck. Then you bring up Glaceon GX (with a float stone) to lock your opponent out of abilities. Next turn you retreat into your other Kartana GX, rinse and repeat.
Its also worth noting that Kartana GX + choice band can OHKO a Glaceon GX and if you have a Professor Kukui, you can OHKO a Gardevoir GX. The only major downside I can see with this deck is energy acceleration. You have to have a metal and a DCE on the Kartana GX to attack and that could be awkward at times. Max elixir could help with this.
Let me know if you have any ideas. I haven't even made a list, so I'm all ears.
You all really need to stop thinking that having Glaceon GX as the active Pokémon is an instant win.
You all really need to stop thinking that having Glaceon GX as the active Pokémon is an instant win.

Thank you so much for this!!!! I swear everyone here at my locals won't stop talking glaceon. Little do they know, the moment they start playing it, they're gonna have a huge target on their back. Everyone under the sun will go out of their way to shut it down.
You all really need to stop thinking that having Glaceon GX as the active Pokémon is an instant win.
This is indeed true, and I myself think this. Of course it won't get you an instant win, but it will definetly slow down your opponent. Once they are set up though, there is always the chance that they can win. Realistically, the only "relevant" GX/EX Abilities are Wonder Tag or Trade. Many decks can keep going if they only use Lele.
This is indeed true, and I myself think this. Of course it won't get you an instant win, but it will definetly slow down your opponent. Once they are set up though, there is always the chance that they can win. Realistically, the only "relevant" GX/EX Abilities are Wonder Tag or Trade. Many decks can keep going if they only use Lele.
And Bloodthirsthy eyes.
And Secret Spring.
And Nature's Breath.
And Gyro Unit (Yes Silvally is good now.).
And Steam Up.
Well you get my point.
And Bloodthirsthy eyes.
And Secret Spring.
And Nature's Breath.
And Gyro Unit (Yes Silvally is good now.).
And Steam Up.
Well you get my point.
I do, but Glaceon beats Volcanion anyway, Gardevoir is dead, Leafeon isn't that good, and Silvally will beat Glaceon if partnered with Metal attackers.
So aside from complaining about glaceon gx being overhyped.... Does anybody have any actual ideas for pairing glaceon gx with kartana gx? Good idea? Bad idea? Might have potential?
You're spending 2 turns and 2 energy attachments to deal 70 damage and shuffle the attacker back into the deck.
Let's say you're against a Golisopod deck, in an optimal condition you spend 6 turns to get a knock out on anything, 4 on Lele if you get a choiche band, so let's say 16 turns in the best possible scenario for you. (Friendly reminder that Acerola and Max Potions exist.)
Glaceon itself does 90-30 with three energy and you don't have to attack every other turn.
Sorry if I'm too blunt, but it's a terribly inefficent Idea, given that you get much more value by attacking with Glaceon itself.
The deck could work with 4 float stone and 4 Max elixir but I'm not sure. You could make a list for this deck, but the biggest problem is getting a kartana and the energy on it every turn while switching Galceon out of the Active.
Could work...I like the idea of additional disruption via the ability, but running high e-hammer counts may be more efficient.