Well it turns out the Shiftry Lock deck was a bust, after playtesting it against Flygon/Donphan Prime and Jumpluff it stood no chance due to lack of enough attack power and little energies to work off of.
So now I'm focusing on a strategy that I probably should've used from the start, Glaceon Lock. As the name implies the deck focuses on locking Trainers and Poke-Powers with Vileplume and Glaceon Lv. X's Poke-Bodies Chilly Breath and Allergy Flower, any ideas, suggestions to make the deck run better I'm all ears.
As for the regular Glaceon's it's the Rising Rivals version that reduces damage, while using the
"Signs of Evolution" Eevee to get my Glaceon's out faster.
Blaziken FB Lv. X is still a Dialga G Lv. X counter to ensure my Poke-Bodies remain intact. I was going to consider Floatzel GL Lv. X for Water Rescue to get Glaceon Lv. X back with BTS but it might be a bit risky.
Pokemon (24)
3-3-1 Glaceon Lv. X
2-2-2 Vileplume (HS Undaunted)
4 Spiritomb AR
1-1 Blaziken FB Lv. X
3 Uxie LA
1 Unown Q
1 Azelf LA
Trainers/Supporters (17)
3 Judge
3 Pokemon Collector
3 Bebe's Search
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
2 Cyrus's Conspiracy
2 Expert Belt
2 Palmer's Contribution
Stadiums (3)
3 Broken Time-Space
Energies (15)
10 Water
3 Grass
2 Fire
Deck Total: 60
I can't wait til Hunter comes out next set, it's going to help make this deck much more playable and hit for more damage with Expert Belt. I took Rare Candy out cause of the Trainer Lock with Vileplume and Spiritomb.
The 3 Grass energies I threw in the deck is supposed to help Vileplume as a Secondary Attacker and works in conjunction with Cyrus's Conspiracy to get Supporters and a Basic Energy of my choice.
So now I'm focusing on a strategy that I probably should've used from the start, Glaceon Lock. As the name implies the deck focuses on locking Trainers and Poke-Powers with Vileplume and Glaceon Lv. X's Poke-Bodies Chilly Breath and Allergy Flower, any ideas, suggestions to make the deck run better I'm all ears.
As for the regular Glaceon's it's the Rising Rivals version that reduces damage, while using the
"Signs of Evolution" Eevee to get my Glaceon's out faster.
Blaziken FB Lv. X is still a Dialga G Lv. X counter to ensure my Poke-Bodies remain intact. I was going to consider Floatzel GL Lv. X for Water Rescue to get Glaceon Lv. X back with BTS but it might be a bit risky.
Pokemon (24)
3-3-1 Glaceon Lv. X
2-2-2 Vileplume (HS Undaunted)
4 Spiritomb AR
1-1 Blaziken FB Lv. X
3 Uxie LA
1 Unown Q
1 Azelf LA
Trainers/Supporters (17)
3 Judge
3 Pokemon Collector
3 Bebe's Search
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
2 Cyrus's Conspiracy
2 Expert Belt
2 Palmer's Contribution
Stadiums (3)
3 Broken Time-Space
Energies (15)
10 Water
3 Grass
2 Fire
Deck Total: 60
I can't wait til Hunter comes out next set, it's going to help make this deck much more playable and hit for more damage with Expert Belt. I took Rare Candy out cause of the Trainer Lock with Vileplume and Spiritomb.
The 3 Grass energies I threw in the deck is supposed to help Vileplume as a Secondary Attacker and works in conjunction with Cyrus's Conspiracy to get Supporters and a Basic Energy of my choice.