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Standard Glaceon /Zoroark Deck


Aspiring Trainer
Hello All!! Posting my girl's deck, because she'd like some help after she saw how much of a help you all have been with my GreninjArk. Shout out to @Articuno_Aria for the helpful tips on his/her post.

Glaceon Zoroark Deck:
3x Glaceon GX
3x Eevee (SM Base Set)
2x Zoroark GX
2x Zorua
2x Tapu Lele GX
2x Quagsire (Dragon Mejesty)
2x Wooper (Dragon Majesty)

4x Aqua Patch
4x Ultra Ball
2x Choice Band
2x Field Blower
2x Nest Ball
2x Rescue Stretcher
1x Enhanced Hammer
1x Pal Pad

4x Cynthia
3x Guzma
2x Acerola
2x Lillie
2x Tate & Liza
1x Lusamine

8x Water Energy
4x Double Colorless Energy

Now, I have mentioned that she can -1 Rescue Stretcher, -1 Lusamine, for another Zoroark line. Also, I mentioned she can -1 Water Energy or -1 Aqua Patch for another Nest Ball. We both have experienced with 1 Enhanced hammer is good in case of any special energy, 2 is no longer needed.

Any thoughts, or help with this deck please. Thank you guys!
The deck looks pretty solid besides the Lusamine.
I would do something like this: -1 Lusamine (That's what pal pad is for) for something like +1 Multi Switch (For Juggling DCE)
After testing, we have determined 2-2 Quagsire is too much. It's not necessary, and she was having a hard time getting Zoroark out at 2-2.

1-1 Quagsire
3-3 Zoroark GX

-1 Lusamine
+1 Nest Ball

This is the to update the Original post.

@Shameshame - I believe she might have switched the 4th Aqua Patch for something else as well, but with the Quagsire & Aqua Patches, she didn't need the Multi Switch for the DCE's. I will mention this to her and see what she wants to do. Thank you for your input!