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Glaciation (Kyurem / Dusknoir / Blastoise)


I am Neos. Who are you?

  • 3 Squirtle
    2 Dusknoir
    3 Blastoise
    1 Exeggcute
    3 Kyurem
    2 Keldeo EX
    2 Sigilyph
    2 Duskull

  • 4 Juniper
    4 Skyla
    3 Colress
    3 N
    2 Pokemon Fan Club

    4 Ultra Ball
    4 Rare Candy
    2 Superior Energy Retrieval
    2 Startling Megaphone
    2 Float Stone
    1 Professor's Letter
    1 Town Map
    1 Dowsing Machine

  • 8 Water Energy
    2 Rainbow Energy

Use Kyurem's Glaciate. Put 3 counters on all of your opponent's pokemon. Then use Dusknoir and move damage and get knock outs. We don't run lysandres because we knock out everything on the bench, or on the active. And to use Blastoise to speed up everything.
RE: Kyurem/Dusknoir/Blastoise

Wee, I'm actually testing this deck! xD A few things:

Seismitoad is a thing. You might want to add at least a Wartortle and maybe another stage 1. And also, y u no Ace Spec?! :p

-1 Sigilyph
-1 Voltorb
-1 Electrode
+1 Dowsing Machine/Computer Search
+1 Wartortle
+1 Wartortle/Dusclops

Let me know what you think! :D
RE: Kyurem / Dusknoir / Blastoise

I actually do think the electrode cut would be alright. I would cut 2 water energy and boost the evolution lines. Like maybe the evolution lines are be 2-2-2. And I am going to keep Sigilyph in here to stall.
Thanks for the help though :D

Better yet, I have everything to physically build this... I NEED TO TRY IT OUT!

On the topic, if we are going to stall with a Safeguarder, why not stall with one that can attack? Maybe add some Rainbow for Sigilyph or swap it for Suicune?

As for the Ace Spec, Dowsing machine is the best for Blastoise decks, speacilly when you run another Stage 2 or a Stage 1... I would rather try to find a way to keep that Electrode line though, it is a blast in Blastoise Decks.

Have I mentioned that I loved this idea?
Haha thanks man. I just looked through sets randomly and saw this startegy. I built this list for my friend but I quite like it myself. And we don't really need a lot of trainers and stuff in here. All we need to get those 2 stage 2 pokemon out and boom. So I don't really think Dowsing would really work. And good luck on building this deck and trying it out!
Neos said:
Haha thanks man. I just looked through sets randomly and saw this startegy. I built this list for my friend but I quite like it myself. And we don't really need a lot of trainers and stuff in here. All we need to get those 2 stage 2 pokemon out and boom. So I don't really think Dowsing would really work. And good luck on building this deck and trying it out!

The hard part is getting them both in play. That is why we run Dowsing Machine, so we can recycle Rare Candy, Ultra Ball, Skyla or other needed itens.

Also, how do you feel about swapping Sigilyph for Suicune or adding some Rainbow Energies? Sigilyph can prove to be a nice counter for Lucario, specially if we manage to stack some counters on it.
I think Sigilyph sounds better, since Lucario EX and Mewtwo EX will overpopulate the game now. Still, Sigilyph needs Rainbow Energy to attack, so we would need to add at least 2 of them to this deck and probably swap Dowsing Machine for Computer Search, but I think it has better hopes of dealing more damage.

Also, it hits for the number of energies on the target pokemon, so it has more potential than Suicune. It can get hit by Virizon without being OHKO, something Suicune can't accomplish.
So overall, what would you change to the deck besides the cards you just said?
Probably remove swtich if we are running Floating Keldeo, I like to play with 4 Skylas when running Blastoise, Probably lower Noir to 2-1-2, add another Keldeo, Work on getting more Superior Retrieval in there, because i Think 6 energy might be a little low if 2 Kyurem get knocked out fully energized maybe even lower Kyurem to 3.

Note I haven't checked the math for the parahraph above, might do so when I get home, instead of writing on a smartphone.

Other than that, it meeds test to balance out the supporters and check if the draw power is enough.
I would probably start with something like this and then tinker it based on how common Item Lock decks become and how well do the draw power behaves.

If anything, we can always go
-1 Sigilyph
-1 Exeggcute
And pick between
+1 Wartortle
+1 Dusclops
+1 Voltorb (Destiny Burst)
+1 Electrode (Magnetic Draw)

Electrode plays really well in Blastoise decks... If you are feeling adventurous, you can go 1-0-1 Delphox, but that will clutter your rare candies.

But hey, that is how I like to roll with Blastoise-based decks, try to make it suit your playstyle.

Also, we can always try to find ourselves way for a Stadium. Frozen City can give you chance to Outrage for something, but it is dangerous. Fairy Garden and a Rainbow on Keldeo makes it for the Float Stone but might give your opponent some advantage. Magnetic Storm makes sure you hit Virizion for full 30 instead of 10 if they are the active pokémon, which almost always happens against VirGen decks.

Now thinking about it, it might be worth it to go back to Dowsing Machine...
I think dowsing machine would be good, and your list is quite better than this one. I once again built this for my friend, as I am building fairies
Neos, I've played with this deck today a few times, with minor differences from the list I showed you.

Although I will play more with it to get used to the mechanics, I can tell you the deck felt slow and, even if Dusknoir isn't needed on the beginning of the game, you start to feel uneasy having to spare Rare Candies from discarding (something that becomes normal once you've got 1 or 2 Blastoise out in a regular Blastoise deck) and that may clutter your deck.

Something that occurred to me was to remove Blastoise line entirely and power Kyurem up manually. With the 5 space a 2-1-2 Blastoise takes, we could introduce some Milktanks to attack early, building up damage to move around with Dusknoir (that just become our primary focus) and giving us time to get a Kyurem ready to attack, since Glaciate does better when your opponent already has his bench filled with pokémons.

It also gives us space to introduce some other Draw mechanic, like 1-1 Electrode line, some Roller Skates or Bicycles or maybe introduce a Gym or even up the Superior Retrieval count, since Kyurems are easy to kill.

I will test this further to get used to the deck flow and try some of those ideas.
Well, guys, remember that Kyurem's not a 200HP beast. I mean, by the time you FINALLY get one ready to Glaciate, it'll be dead. Streaming Kyurems is IMPOSSIBLE without Blastoise.
Luxiel said:
Neos, I've played with this deck today a few times, with minor differences from the list I showed you.

Although I will play more with it to get used to the mechanics, I can tell you the deck felt slow and, even if Dusknoir isn't needed on the beginning of the game, you start to feel uneasy having to spare Rare Candies from discarding (something that becomes normal once you've got 1 or 2 Blastoise out in a regular Blastoise deck) and that may clutter your deck.

Something that occurred to me was to remove Blastoise line entirely and power Kyurem up manually. With the 5 space a 2-1-2 Blastoise takes, we could introduce some Milktanks to attack early, building up damage to move around with Dusknoir (that just become our primary focus) and giving us time to get a Kyurem ready to attack, since Glaciate does better when your opponent already has his bench filled with pokémons.

It also gives us space to introduce some other Draw mechanic, like 1-1 Electrode line, some Roller Skates or Bicycles or maybe introduce a Gym or even up the Superior Retrieval count, since Kyurems are easy to kill.

I will test this further to get used to the deck flow and try some of those ideas.

I see. Well, I haven't really focused on this list that much, and just basing the list off of what you think. I played it and I guess it was luck because I got everything set up on turn 3 or 4. And just went on to win. But from what you say and since you are more experienced, I believe you more. I honestly don't know what to change so how about another draft of your list?
I don't know, I liked this idea too much to just let it go... I will try to play it around more, maybe tweak the supporters around or try to add electrode to this... Maybe I had just bad luck (in the 6 games I played with this list, one of the dusknoirs were on the prizes in about 4 of them... in one game, both Dusclops and Wartortle were prized)...

Is this list intended for Modified or Expanded? If the later, we could add some Level Balls...

We could try this out online and discuss it... PM me the better way to contact you and we can find a spare time to play this and tweak decks...