Use Kyurem's Glaciate. Put 3 counters on all of your opponent's pokemon. Then use Dusknoir and move damage and get knock outs. We don't run lysandres because we knock out everything on the bench, or on the active. And to use Blastoise to speed up everything.
3 Squirtle
2 Dusknoir
3 Blastoise
1 Exeggcute
3 Kyurem
2 Keldeo EX
2 Sigilyph
2 Duskull
4 Juniper
4 Skyla
3 Colress
3 N
2 Pokemon Fan Club
4 Ultra Ball
4 Rare Candy
2 Superior Energy Retrieval
2 Startling Megaphone
2 Float Stone
1 Professor's Letter
1 Town Map
1 Dowsing Machine
8 Water Energy
2 Rainbow Energy
Use Kyurem's Glaciate. Put 3 counters on all of your opponent's pokemon. Then use Dusknoir and move damage and get knock outs. We don't run lysandres because we knock out everything on the bench, or on the active. And to use Blastoise to speed up everything.