Glendale, WI Battle Roads. First place report AGAIN!!


The great snake rules forever!
Today I got up at 7:20. Took a shower and called mr.619. Told him to get come here at 8:00.Then I called Nick at 7:50, and told him to hurry up. He came over at about 8:10, and mr.619 got gasoline for his car, and we left shortly after. We listened to music on the way there. Then at 9:56 Arcanine King beat the 'boss guy' on The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages. We got there
at 10:10. We had a small difficulty finding the place, and we went to the store, and bought some bracelets.Then we went to the tournament, and bought soda and the tournament started.

Deck: Gyarados

Round 1: Me vs some Vinni (Starmie/Masquarin)
He didn't get much out and I got everything set up like last time, but he was running Roseanne's and Felicity's in his deck, so I won.


Round 2: Me vs Mr.619 (Vileplume/Gengar)
I got a really nice set up, and mr.619 got jank. He had a Uxie start and a Looker's and drew crap. I won.


Round 3: Me vs Some kid with a bad deck (A bad deck)
I got everything out, and he lost, simple as that.


Round 4: Me vs Andrew (AMU/Roserade)
I got donked, by Roselea, and I had only a Magikarp


Top 2: Me vs Andrew (AMU/Roserade)

Game 1:
I got a bad start, but I still came out winning.

Game 2:
I still didn't get any thing out, and I prized two Magikarp. He got a first card, by letting him. So then I can Uxie again, for 5. I got enough out to beat him and won. GG

1st place


Went 3-1
Toco Bell
Cool Bathrooms
Ethan for driving
Arcanine King winning with PG-13 AGAIN
Meeting some cool people
Amazing trades
Mr.619 getting a step up and taking 3rd
Arcaine King making a kid cry "punched him"


Mr.619 hitting a wall with his car
Mr.619 and his favorite raodkill animals
Mr.619 needed to go to the bathroom every 5 minutes
Every slop was with mr.619 lol.
Gotta love those "I <3 Boobies" bracelets and me going 3-1.

Gotta hate driving into cement walls with a car even if you were going like, 5 mph. :(

Good job though!
Yeah that was an amazing day day pokeman. Here is how the thing with me making a kid cry.
So we start the battle. I go first attach a SP energy to Gallade E4 and pass.Then the kid attaches a fire energy to vulpix and does 20 damage to me. Then next turn I play Cyrus search for water, Cyrus, Energy gain. Attach the energy and energy gain, then Level up Gallade and use Blade Storm to put 10 on vulpix. Then I dropped a Crobat G and did 10 more to him. Then used aimed cut and he started crying because I did that all to fast for him to notice.Then as Pokeman heard the kid crying he thought I punched the kid.
You might want to recommend to your PTO that you check deck lists before round 1 so nobody gets a win because some of their deck contains cards that aren't legal.

@Ethan: How did you manage to drive into a wall?

Great job Arcanine King and Bennett.
Great job on your participaation at the Battle Road event.

I had a player realize at a Pokémon League yesterday that a Premier Tournament Organizer overlooked a δ Rainbow Energy as a Rainbow Energy in a recent Battle Road event. Not only has δ Rainbow Energy rotated out, it would not have provided much power to his Pokémon.
@Mark; Well, you see it's a very long story involving me trying to park, turning in at like, 3 mph and a cement wall being in my way.
BoDragon: Yeah that would be a problem. You can hardly tell the difference between the Delta Species Energy and Rainbow. I can't wait for Battle Roads #5. Time to win my third Battle Roads. I am first in the state right now. I only lost my Battle Roads before this one due to a shuffling error. I took third at that one.