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Standard Gliscor / Crobat


Aspiring Trainer
Hey guys, Im actually new to PokeBeach and I was pretty interested in learning more about competitive strategies when it comes time to play in a tournament. I actually put together a deck that involved Gliscor from the new Roaring Skies. It does 20 to the active pokemon, while doing 20 to two benched pokemon. I need some help for this deck to become more stronger and more aggressive. This deck suffers from item lock from Siesmitoad, as well as the more recent popularity of trevenant and each pokemon's item lock ability. any and all help will be appreciated!

  • 4 Zubat (PLS)
  • 4 Golbat (PHF)
  • 2 Crobat (PHF)
  • 4 Gligar
  • 4 Gliscor
  • 2 Hawlucha (FFI)
  • 1 Shaymin EX
  • 1 Lucario EX
  • 4 Professor Sycamore
  • 3 Lysandre
  • 2 Korina
  • 1 AZ
  • 3 VS Seeker
  • 2 Muscle Band
  • 2 Focus Sash
  • 2 Ultra Ball
  • 4 Super Scoop Up
  • 1 Escape Rope
  • 1 Switch
  • 4 Fighting Stadium
  • 6 Fighting Energy
  • 4 Strong Energy

I don't like to run that many EX's, and this deck is based upon the idea of doing constant small damage to the opponent. Each pokemon in this deck tier has attacks that only require a single energy for attack power (Besides Lucario in which he can still deal out 30 dmg for one energy, but can deal more if more energies were attached to him). The only problem this deck faces is that if i can not bring out my lucario out in the first few turns, he is my only tank that can survive a deathly blow. In which, if he did suffer a blow like that, i could retrieve him using scoop ups or a possibly AZ.
I like Gliscor from PF, this allows no energy placement on the active pokemon, but I think you after bench damage. if so you could consider

Noivern from FF. It does 30 to all bench
I like Gliscor from PF, this allows no energy placement on the active pokemon, but I think you after bench damage. if so you could consider

Noivern from FF. It does 30 to all bench
yeah actually i have! but it is a dragon which requires a significant amount of energies more than this deck has to do just 30 dmg.
Yes, but its ability states that, once attacked, you can flip a coin, and if heads you prevent all effects of that attack including damage done to you. Plus, you can play Double Dragon Energy to fight even quicker! You can also even play Yveltal from XY to power up your Noivern.

Noivern also damages everyone on your opponent's field, whereas Gliscor only damages three Pokemon.