• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.



Aspiring Trainer
3 Gligar LA
2 Gliscor LA
1 Gliscor UD
1 Gliscor Lv. X
2 Toxicroak G
2 Torchic PL
1 Combusken PL
2 Blaziken PL
1 Blaziken FB
1 Blazkien FB Lv. X
2 Uxie
1 Azelf
4 Unown R
2 Unown Q
1 Crobat G

3 Collectors
3 Conspiracy
4 Scoops
4 Turns
3 Communications
2 Bebe
1 Lux ball
1 Premier Ball
1 Energy Gain
4 Fighting
3 Psychic
2 Fire

Blaziken combo and pester with Gliscor. Revenge with Toxicroak. Paralyze when i need to.....The problem lies with the HP of Gliscor and the slight lack of speed. Any thoughts?
You're trying to combine 2 different decks here. Blaziken PL/FB X, and Gliscor. Gliscor LA, IMO, is best run with Spiritomb. That way, you can level up, Shoot Poison, use Burning Poison for burn, then return Gliscor to your hand and send out Spiritomb. This way, the only out of the Paralysis/poison/burn is to use Warp Energy. You want to be able to continuously Level Up, and paralyze, so you'll need Broken Time-Space in order to evolve faster.

Blaziken, on the other hand, is a deck focused entirely on burning and burning alone. If you plan on running a Blaziken PL deck, then you should decide whether you want Blaziken PL to be your main attacker, or Blaziken FB. Adjust your lines accordingly. Choose which deck you want to run and I may be able to help you further from there.
-1 Bebe's
-1 PremierBall
+4 PokeDrawer+

This will help with drawing what you want when you want. I figured it would really help with the lack of speed.
So the Blaziken don't make a good bench combo? that's 40 extra damage plus a burn every turn.
Blaziken is fine, even though it is clunky as a stage two. However, in case you can't get out the Blaziken, it is just one more card in your deck to include to make it easier to grab Pester damage. You could also run Gliscor lock, a more successful version of this deck in which you inflict your opponent with Paralyzation every turn using Gliscor's Pokepower, then Burning Poison puts it back into your hand and they take Poison and sometimes Burn damage. Used with Vileplume and either Victreebel/Dodrio, Flygon LV. X, Mr. Mime AR, Dusknoir SF, or other disruptive Pokemon to send active.