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GlisTomb (Regionals)

Baron Zemo

Aspiring Trainer
GlisTomb went 4 wins and 2 losses in Minnesota State Masters

4-2-2 Gligar(LA) - Gliscor(LA) - Gliscor X(LA)
3 Spiritomb(PA)
2-2 Blaziken FB - Blaziken FB X
2 Uxie(LA)
1 Azelf(LA)
4 Unown Q
22 Pokemon

4 Pokemon Communicatioin
3 Super Scoop Up
2 Professor Oak's New Theory
1 Luxury Ball
3 Bebe's Search
3 Pokemon Collector
2 Seeker
3 Expert Belt
2 VS Seeker
2 Lost Remover
1 Palmer's Contribution
26 Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums

4 Fire
6 Fighting
12 Energy

This deck played really fun at states. Gliscor X suprised everybody. I think I have at least 20 completely worthless cards in here though. My strategy was always to trainer lock early as possible then then pull up a gliscor with 2 energy and belt, level x him, paralyze/poison then pester for 100. Sneasels actually helped because of the free retreat, and the beat up attack. I need to make a lot of changes to prepare for regions.

*Edited Deck based on great advice here*
Using Unown Q in the deck has changed it dramatically. That is the best thing so far. That allows me to control spiritomb better and everything is 1 turn faster since no energy discard to attack. Blaziken helps with the speed and doing really heavy damage also. My trainers need some fine tuning and I am thinking if there is any useful special energy to put in. Also, I changed the Gliscor line from 4-3-1 to 4-2-2, any input on if that is better.
RE: Gliscor Spiritomb (States)

Can somebody check that this deck is all legal for states for me to please?
RE: Gliscor Spiritomb (States)

it's legal..but why sneasals?

also,if you only have one uxie x, you Need it in luxchomp
RE: Gliscor Spiritomb (States)

I'm glad someone wants to play Glistomb. Unfortunately, when Claydol GE was rotated, this deck became slower. I'd like to help out on the T/S/S line, since your Pokemon and energy look fine(except for Sneasel, maybe get Glaceon X to combo with Night Slash, and you don't need Dark Energy since Sneasel is going, maybe replace for some Water Energy).

One of the problems is that you play too little of things you need and too much of things you don't need. So here are my suggestions:

-2 Pokemon Communication
-1 Energy Exchanger
-2 Pokedex
-1 VS Seeker
-1 Expert Belt

+1 Pokemon Collector
+1 Palmer's Contribution
+2-2-1 Glaceon X

Pokedex is useless if you use Uxie X, and 4 Pokemon Communication is overkill. I don't get Energy Exchanger, and you'll only need 1 VS Seeker. Gliscor doesn't rely too heavily on Expert Belt, so 2 is enough. Glaceon X is for Power Lock after you use Gliscor's Night Slash or Burning Poison(I think that's it). You'll need to find room for 2-3 Water Energy though. Palmer's Contribution is for recovery, and another Pokemon Collector increases consistency.

Glaceon X, by the way, is just a suggestion, but I hope you and your son do well at States! :)

P.S. What States are you going to?
RE: Gliscor Spiritomb (States)

Updated deck and results of MN states. Thanks Yoshidude10, I am looking at your suggestions and will get back on them soon.
RE: Gliscor Spiritomb (States)

I used to run Gliscor a lot, I still love the deck I just don't play it anymore at event tournaments, more so a league deck for me now. The reason I quit running it is Warp Energy. I always end up fighting a Gyrados or Gengar that just loops the warp (Plays Warp, seekers, saves for later) and they just run through me. Enough of my sob story though.
I would say drop the Sneasels as you don't really need them and run 2-3 Unown Q. They help a lot to free run with Spiritomb or if they anything throw up Uxie, drop the X, Q it and run. I also think you could get away with just two belts Since you really only need one for Gliscor and another for the next card. I also rand Blazekin FB in my deck cause we had a decent amount of Dialga players and a few rogue Steelix players so I needed to good tech to try and run through them. Granted, if neither of these are big in your area you could just pass over it. I would like to note though that this is for a more lock version of the deck in case you want to try it that way as after reading your strat I see you go for power KOs. Hope this helps and I would be glad to add more if needed.
Decklist updated based on great input from here. Still playtesting the new lineup. My questions/concerns are in the original post.