Going crazy, need help figuring something out(About 10th movie japanese promo set)


Aspiring Trainer
I have the 10th Movie Anniversary Japanese 11 Card Promo set, but I can't find ANYTHING about it online, atleast not about pricing, and even anything about the set itself is incredibly short and not done. Does anyone know just how rare/hard to get this product is, and the approxomite value? I have been looking for hours and can't even begin to find out anything about it, thanks =)
Watch eBay for it. http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/10th_Movie_Commemoration_Set_%28TCG%29
I saw one listed on eBay for $40, a year ago.
Thank you, I just found 8 seperate auctions for 8 of the different cards in the set, all sold almost immediately at $20 buyout, so im starting to think this set is really gonna have some value
I don't think this is the same set...
I'm not good with Japanese promos.
Here is the CD