Writing Gold and Soul: Johto Crisis

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Soul and Gold, Johto Crisis

This is a game me and my friend used to play when we were little. We still do sometimes. Now he complains about how we always play johto...
It was a dark night. Clouds blotted out the moon and stars. And, in the basements of an old Rocket hideout, a 12 year old boy sat in the darkness, tapping away on an old computer keyboard.
''Master Silver, we have news!'' A rocket grunt appeared, dressed in the usual black and red Rocket uniform.
'' What is it, Grunt, I haven't much time for talk of the admins's failures.''
''Y-Yes Master Silver. The president of S-Silph co. is travelling to Goldenrod's Radio Tower for an unveiling.W-We think y-you should know. That is all.''
Silver said nothing.
''M-Master S-Silver...''
Silver pushed the grunt against the stony walls.
''Stop stutterringgrunt and stop acting chicken.Man up and go get me the admins. We have work to do.''
Silver released the man's collar and he ran off. Silver chuckled.
''Finally! I can now take my revenge on Silph co.'s annoying president!" Silver reached over on to pick something up. They were glowing crystals, like one of Goldenrod's neon signs.
''With these Enigma Crystals, i Will. Rule. The. World. And find Father.''
Silver's long red hair showed in the dim light of the hall lights.
''Team Rocket will rise AGAIN!!'' Silver grinned slyly and began his plan of world domination.

Chapter One
''Soul you never eat spinach, why?'' Gold asked me one day. We were walking through the streets of Goldenrod. I laughed.
''Ha, Gold, hard to say we grew up together, you don't know me at all. I never go near a vedgie even if i have to. And im just as healthy as I should be," That shut him up. I looked at the neon lights on every sighn in Goldenrod City. I love it here. It's like-

''BOOOOM!'' I whipped around. There had been a huge explosion at the Goldenrod Radio Tower.The whole tower was in flames. I grabbed Gold's sleeve and dragged him to the explosion site. People were running out of the building, screaming, some of them burned. Gold covered my eyes. I slapped his hand away. There was a reason. It was terrible. It's like Rayquaza hyper beamed the tower. The whole city was in a panic. People were running about like lots of lost Bidoof.
''Soul, the president of Silph co.'s still in there!'' Gold looked at me, wild eyed. I shot him a look that said: we are not leaving until we save this guy. Gold nodded.
''Go! Feraligatr!'' Gold's best bud ( besides me,)
popped out of the pokeball. We're very experineced trainers for our age, but this was going to be a challenge. I needed a pokemon that can resist fire, without getting burned. So, not a water type. They put out fire, but get burned easily. But, it'd need to carry people in a pinch, not Typhlosion, he'll need his arms. Ive got it!
Also a great friend. So, in we went, into the flames of Goldenrod Radio Tower...

Bit short, please mind the spelling. Enjoy and please comment
Ugh this bares too much resemblance to a very sore subject in American history to me.

Its not very good other-wise though. Too little detail.
omg someone actually read it!Thank you both.I will now begin chapter2. The detail is something ive always been working on. Im trying to up that a bit. I actually excpected that comment,Bulbabuddy, and i willl work hard to please you.I had added more detail in the prolauge because i forgot to add it in the first post. So please bear with me. So, without further ado, commence chapter 2!!!

p.s thank you for not ranting on my lack of detail Spook. Thanks for apriciating that a story is a story, with or without details.:)
The requirements for stories here are at least two pages in length (including prologue).

There is also a horrible lack of grammar here, including lack (or even excess) of spaces, not writing out numbers (saying "12" instead of "twelve"), and not to mention that there are no spaces between paragraphs. We are not trying to say it's a bad story, but it would be much appreciated if graamar can be observed for the reader's benefit of reading.

EDIT: You have private messaging disabled. >_>

In response to your pm:
I have never read a perfect story, nor will I expect to. I simply think you can do much better (outside of following the rules). If you're thoroughly stumped, though, you can try the current writing guide that's out right now.
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