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Golem (Battle Roads, Masters)

Card Slinger J

Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon (21)

4-2-4 Golem AR
2-2 Sandslash SV
1-1 Staraptor FB Lv. X
2 Spiritomb AR
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA

Trainers/Supporters (21)

3 Pokemon Collector
3 Fisherman
3 Interviewer's Questions
3 Bebe's Search
3 Rare Candy
2 Warp Point
2 Palmer's Contribution
1 Professor Oak's New Theory
1 Luxury Ball

Stadiums (3)

3 Broken Time-Space

Energies (15)

12 Fighting
3 Double Colorless Energy

Deck Total: 60

This deck focuses around Golem (Platinum: Arceus) whose 2nd attack Tumble Down does 30 damage times the number of Fighting energies I discarded for the cost of 1 Fighting and a DCE to boot. There's alot of weaknesses and flaws to this deck but despite that it can still hold it's own pretty well.

Interviewer's Questions and Sandslash's Dig Down helps get Fighting energies into my hand so that I can keep using Tumble Down with Golem.

Since not very many people run Luxray GL Lv. X in my meta, I decided to run a Staraptor FB Lv. X tech
for Fast Call to get my Supporters out faster but it might be a bit slow with Claydol out of the format. It could work, I decided to go with Fisherman over Rare Candy to help with Tumble Down more as well.

This is another one of the decks that I'm experimenting with to see how consistent it is, any advice, suggestions, and comments are appreciated.
- 1-1-1x Flygon
- 2-2x Staraptor FB Lv X.
-1 Pokemon Collector

+3 Warp Point
+3 Rare Candy
+2 Sableye/Spiritomb

This deck is BOUND to be slow, seeing as Golem needs atleast 2 turns to charge up for his attack. Why not use spiritomb, to slow down all non-vileplume deck, and help get out the many evolution lines this deck needs. Flygon only seems like he'd mess up you're consistency, and take up bench space, so I think Warp Point is a decent replacement.

This deck kind of reminds me of Rhyperior, so I can kind of have a feel for what the set up here is like.
Those fixes could work, I left Warp Point and Rare Candy out of this deck due to Trainer Lock being dominant in the current metagame. Speaking of which I remember you from Pojo, it's nice to hear from you again Mous Arishi. :)

Flygon was mainly in the deck to help give Golem free retreat incase I'm Trainer Locked from using Warp Point.
Should I take the Staraptor FB Lv. X line for a 2-1-2 Magnezone Prime line (drawpower of course) and If so what should I take out to make it consistent or is the Staraptor FB Lv. X line already good enough?

Btw, I did thought about Regirock LA and Stark Mountain and I do need the BTS's incase I get Trainer Locked and Regirock would probably take up space as it is. Thanks though...
-1 Interviewer's
-1 Palmer's

+2 Spiritomb.

Having played this before, a maxed out starter line is crucial. I ran two VS Seeker in my build, since it can be very game changing, especially when you can't draw into your Fisherman's. Another thing to consider is upping Graveler to 3 and taking out a Rare Candy; with 3 BTS and Spiritomb, you are more likely to manually evolve rather than stage skip.