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Standard Golisopod/Garb Comparisons


Aspiring Trainer
Interested in comparing Golisopod GX/Garbodor lists! Or any feedback in general. I love the deck, there's a couple cards I wish I could add though, such as:

  • A third Tapu Lele. I want to fit in a third Lele for consistency sake, but between bench space and deck space, I've stayed at 2. A third would be nice though just for grabbing that clutch Guzma/Acerola or late-game N.
  • A third Choice Band. I run 4 Float Stone which is the main tool card of this deck so I kept Choice Band at 2. Choice Band is important for hitting that 180 mark with it's GX attack though and there have been games where I just wasn't able to draw it when I needed it.
  • A second Brigette. I know most deck just run one, and I understand why. However, Brigette can be the difference between winning or losing because being able to set up before my opponent is huge. If I prize my only Brigette and have a slow start, I'm putting myself at a disadvantage.
Anyone have any thoughts about whether I should try and add any of these?

****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ******

##Pokémon - 18

* 4 Wimpod BUS 16
* 3 Golisopod-GX BUS 17
* 1 Tapu Koko PR-SM SM30
* 2 Tapu Lele-GX GRI 137
* 4 Trubbish BKP 56
* 2 Garbodor GRI 51
* 2 Garbodor BKP 57

##Trainer Cards - 30

* 3 Acerola BUS 142
* 2 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130
* 2 Choice Band GRI 121
* 4 Professor Sycamore BKP 107
* 4 Guzma BUS 115
* 4 Ultra Ball SUM 135
* 1 Brigette BKT 161
* 4 N FAC 105
* 2 Field Blower GRI 125
* 4 Float Stone BKT 137

##Energy - 12

* 4 Rainbow Energy SUM 137
* 4 Grass Energy 1
* 4 Double Colorless Energy SUM 136

Total Cards - 60

****** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online www.pokemon.com/TCGO ******
Yeah I honestly wanted Golisopod to win, not Gardevoir it gets too much love. I would suggest maybe trying to get some more draw support cards or a third field Blower. Because even now you might run out of some bench space by using unnecessary cards, (That's why the Acerola is there I am assuming.) I also think that if you are focusing more on attacking with Garbodor you might want to switch it to 3-1 (3 being the Translache Garbodor). I can't give you much feedback besides that. Pretty solid deck, definitely worth a try. And when Lusamine comes out I would put 2 in this deck and put a stadium or 2 in too. Watch out out for the Acerolas though you might draw them too much. :)
As for the extra Lele, there just Isn't enough bench space.
You actually could try
-Float Stone
+Choice Band
Because you have enough Guzma's. Even though I agree the deck needs retreat support that is why it is heavy on float stones. Hope I helped :0
Yeah I honestly wanted Golisopod to win, not Gardevoir it gets too much love. I would suggest maybe trying to get some more draw support cards or a third field Blower. Because even now you might run out of some bench space by using unnecessary cards, (That's why the Acerola is there I am assuming.) I also think that if you are focusing more on attacking with Garbodor you might want to switch it to 3-1 (3 being the Translache Garbodor). I can't give you much feedback besides that. Pretty solid deck, definitely worth a try. And when Lusamine comes out I would put 2 in this deck and put a stadium or 2 in too. Watch out out for the Acerolas though you might draw them too much. :)

Yeah, I was rooting for it to win too! It was a deck that no one anticipated, and the fact that someone took an "unproven" deck and made it to the finals is awesome.

I'm running 3 Acerola because it is absolutely essential to this deck. I almost always have a Wimpod on the bench so it allows me to scoop up a heavily damaged Golisopod, promote either Tapu Koko or a Pokémon with a Float Stone to the active, evolve the benched Wimpod, attach an energy, and bring the new Golisopod in for 120 damage, all while denying my opponent two prize cards. I was originally running 2 Acerola, but felt a 3rd was needed because there were games where I wasn't drawing into it when I needed, or they were in the discard pile because of a Sycamore or something.

I'm going to keep the Garbodor at 2 Trashalanche and 2 Garbotoxin. I only rely on Garbodor late game for attacking, otherwise I'm mainly using Golisopod. Garbotoxin is just too important to not run 2 of. It's going to be the only way to consistently block all abilities going forward, and blocking abilities tilts some matchups in Golisopod's favor.

I'll definitely try Lusamine when it's released. I would probably cut one Acerola and maybe an N for 2 Lusamine just to see how it runs. As far as Stadiums go, there's not really any Stadiums that Golisopod benefits from but maybe something new will come out soon.

As for the extra Lele, there just Isn't enough bench space.
You actually could try
-Float Stone
+Choice Band
Because you have enough Guzma's. Even though I agree the deck needs retreat support that is why it is heavy on float stones. Hope I helped :0

I thought about doing that, actually. But I kept the Float Stones at 4 for the same reason you stated. I could always try it though.
so in my list i went for a thinner garb line which opened up some spots as i found the 4-4 to be unneeded

****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ******

##Pokémon - 17

* 4 Wimpod BUS 16
* 3 Golisopod-GX BUS 17
* 1 Tapu Koko PR-SM SM31
* 2 Tapu Lele-GX GRI 60
* 3 Trubbish BKP 56
* 2 Garbodor GRI 51
* 1 Garbodor BKP 57
* 1 Tapu Fini-GX BUS 39

##Trainer Cards - 32

* 2 Switch EVO 88
* 1 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130
* 4 N DEX 96
* 3 Acerola BUS 112
* 1 Super Rod BKT 149
* 4 Professor Sycamore BKP 107
* 1 Brigette BKT 134
* 1 Special Charge STS 105
* 2 Field Blower GRI 125
* 3 Guzma BUS 115
* 3 Choice Band GRI 121
* 3 Float Stone BKT 137
* 4 Ultra Ball ROS 93

##Energy - 11

* 4 Rainbow Energy SUM 137
* 4 Double Colorless Energy NXD 92
* 2 Grass Energy BLW 105
* 1 Psychic Energy BLW 109

Total Cards - 60

****** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online www.pokemon.com/TCGO ******
I think right now with 1 Koko Promo and 4 Float Stone, there's a little bit of over kill on pivot options.

I'm assuming your goal after a Brigette is to have at least 2 Wimpod and 1 Trubbish on your bench, but if you open Wimpod you can Brigette for Wimpod, Koko, Trubbish? Between Koko and Float Stone I would cut one or the other.

1 Koko, 4 Float Stone, 4 Guzma, 3 Acerola is a lot of pivoting options.

If you're looking to add another Brigette, I would almost say cut 2 float stones for +1 Brigette +1 Lele and rely on benching Koko as your pivot since 1 Koko is highly searchable whereas (as we saw in worlds), even if you run 4 float stone you just might never find them.

Your field would have 2 Wimpod/Golisopod GX, 1 Koko, 1 Lele, and 2 Trubbish (one for trashalanche, one for garbotoxin), and if the game calls for it, you can Acerola to free up a bench space to Lele for a supporter next turn while saving a Golisopod GX.

Personally, I would do -1 Float stone, -1 Rescue Stretcher for +1 Lele +1 Choice Band.

This increases your odds of opening Brigette without having an extra dead copy (I don't believe in running 2 to prevent prizing, personally), and you get your 3rd choice band so that you can have the damage you need to follow up after setting up. Just 1 rescue stretcher should be fine with 3 Acerola in your deck, and you should never be discarding necessary pokemon from Scyamore or Ultra Ball with proper sequencing, and if you had a bricked hand and was forced to discard a lot of good Pokemon, then you probably lost that game anyway.

Just my opinion though. Take it for what you will.