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Standard Golisopod/Garbodor


Aspiring Trainer
So I picked up Golisopod/Garbodor and began playing it for laughs; turns out, it does really well against the format as it stands. I will present my personal decklist that I've been using and how well it does against the current meta right now, and how I predict this deck will be in the post-Ultra Prism meta.

3x Wimpod BUS
3x Golisopod GX
3x Trubbish
2x Garbodor BKP (Garbotoxin)
1x Garbodor GRI (Trashalanche)
2x Tapu Lele GX
1x Tapu Fini GX
1x Tapu Koko SMPR

4x Guzma
3x Professor Sycamore
3x Cynthia
3x Acerola
2x N
1x Brigette

4x Ultra Ball
4x Float Stone
4x Choice Band
2x Field Blower
1x Pal Pad
1x Heavy Ball
1x Rescue Stretcher

4x Rainbow Energy
4x Double Colorless Energy
3x Grass Energy

The meta as it stands:
Firstly, gotta mention that we can OHKO Lele with Choice Band+Crossing Cut GX.

Buzzwole/Lycanroc: Golisopod OHKO's Lycanroc with both First Impression and Armor Press, Buzzwole can easily be taken down with Garbodor and 5 items in the discard (which Buzzwole can't really be played without). Decent matchup.

Zoroark/Lycanroc: Again, we OHKO Lycanroc. Zoroark is a tricky opponent, but after taking away Trade, and them constantly putting items such as Puzzles in the discard, it can be dealt with. Decent matchup.

Volcanion: While we do take x2 damage from Volc due to weakness, we don't brick as much, and we can shut off Steam Up. Tough but not impossible matchup.

Sylveon GX: This matchup is sorta tricky as far as I'm aware, you just gotta play around it and try to N as much as possible. I'm not entirely sure about this, since I haven't really played against this deck, but I'd have to say that this is a decent matchup.

Stage 2's: We outspeed Stage 2 decks like Gardevoir, Decidueye, Metagross, etc and should be able to Guzma down Basics and Stage 1's for easy KO's. Decent matchups.

Greninja BREAK: lol

Washistall: Ability lock Hoopa and Xurkitree and you'll be fine. Decent matchup.

Silvally/Metal: Low damage output for 3 energy + no free retreat after ability lock, we should be fine. Decent matchup.

Future Meta:
Glaceon/Ninetales/Zoroark: Glaceon can have a bit of trouble actually doing damage, and since we don't run any GX's that utilize abilities other than Tapu Lele, and our ability to shut off Energy Evolution and Trade, and putting items such as Aqua Patch in the discard fuel Trashalanche.

Dusk Mane/Heatran/Magnezone: Ability lock Magnezone=insta win

Empoleon and Garchomp: Like other Stage 2 decks, we should be able to outspeed and do just fine.

Possible Techs:
Jolteon EX: If you're worried about Basic decks, go for it! Although they're sort of irrelevant, you get free retreat and is a decent wall against those Basic decks if set up.

Sudowoodo BKP: It's a decent attacker against Zoroark, doesn't need much explaining.

Buzzwole GX: I've seen this being thrown around so I'm gonna mention it. It has too high of a retreat cost in my opinion, and you're only ever using it for Jet Punch. You also have the risk of getting Mewtwo'd. The damage spread is ok, but you're already running Tapu Koko, so there's really no point.

Mewtwo EVO: If you're REALLY worried about Buzzwole, you can run this to OHKO a fully-powered up Buzzwole, but again, you already run Trashalanche Garbodor.

Mr. Mime BKT: Avoid spread damage from cards like Garchomp, Alolan Ninetales GX, Tapu Koko, Buzzwole, etc. but you're ability locking, so it's something to consider.
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