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Standard Golisopod GX/Zoroark

Tyler Bissoondial

Aspiring Trainer
This decklist was made to have Golisopod GX in the spotlight.


4 Golisopod GX
4 Wimpod
3 Zoroark GX
3 Zorua
3 Tapu Lele GX
1 Latios (from shining legends)
1 Tapu Koko (the promo)
1 Espeon EX


1 Mallow
1 Brigette
1 Rescue Stretcher
2 Field Blower
3 Float Stone
1 Skyla
3 N
3 Choice Band
4 Professor Sycamore
3 Guzma
4 Acerola
4 Ultra Ball


5 Grass Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
2 Dark Energy

If anyone has any Zoroark from BreakThrough I would really like to trade. Please comment any suggestions. Thanks!