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Standard Golisopod/Zoroark


Aspiring Trainer
I am hugely excited by the new Golisopod-GX coming out in Burning Shadows (thanks for revealing it, PokéBeach!), but only really the first attack. For a single Grass Energy, it does 30 damage plus 90 more if it became your active that turn. This is insane damage for a single energy. I thought I'd attempt to put it in a deck.

Strategy: keep using Golisopod-GX's first attack for the huge damage in combination with Zoroark, which allows Golisopod to become your new Active every single turn. With 2 promo Lurantis on the field and a Choice Band, Golisopod does 190 damage for a single energy. Neat!

Pokémon: 19
3x Golisopod-GX (BNS)
1x Golisopod (GRI)
4x Wimpod (GRI)
2x Lurantis (SM25)
2x Fomantis (SUM)
2x Zoroark (BKT)
2x Zorua (BKT)
2x Tapu Lele-GX (GRI)
1x Shaymin-EX (ROS)

Items: 15
3x Choice Band
2x Field Blower
3x Float Stone
4x Ultra Ball
3x VS Seeker

Supporters: 12
4x Professor Sycamore
2x N
1x Olympia
1x Hex
3x Guzma
1x Brigette

Stadiums: 4
4x Forest of Giant Plants

Energy: 10
6x Grass Energy
4x DCEs

Please comment and improve!
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I would suggest -1 Ace Trainer +1 Sycamore as you're going to be taking an early lead and you need to get alot on the field. I would also suggest -1 Pokemon Ranger -1 Eco Arm for two Ns, as like I said, we want to get everything up quickly and starting without draw support would be monstrously bad. -1 Eco Arm for a Brigette, as T1 Lele for Brigette is great to get all your evolution lines going. I would also consider just losing the muscle dumbells as they can get Field Blowered and the deck seems to be much more about getting in you're opponent's face rather than buildng up a big Pokemon and dominating with it. If you lose the muscle dumbells, add in two DCEs. The option of the GX attack is still decent when Zoroark isn't up. Then, take out one grass energy for another Float Stone as a Field Blowered Zoroark would ruin your day. After these edits, you should be golden! Good luck with the deck! :)
Running 3 fairly large lines of stage 1 Pokemon is likely to clump of your deck you would be better off focusing on consistently getting a 150 hit with golsipod.and run DCE to open up zoroark as an alternative attacker. If you want to run lurantis you could run a thin line of 1-1 and still hit good numbers
Running 3 fairly large lines of stage 1 Pokemon is likely to clump of your deck you would be better off focusing on consistently getting a 150 hit with golsipod.and run DCE to open up zoroark as an alternative attacker. If you want to run lurantis you could run a thin line of 1-1 and still hit good numbers

The addition of Brigette should fix the clunkiness, and I think I'm sticking with heavy Lurantis line as I want to hit the big numbers. But thank you for the point about the DCEs.
Hi joffreyspikes,

Nice deck. Consider to use Guzma instead of Zoroark and Lysandre in this deck but retain bridgette to make the deck a lot more stable. Guzma allows you to switch the opponent`s active Pokémon with a Pokémon on the bench. if you do so you also have to switch your active Pokémon with one on the bench. it is in essence Escape Rope but allows you to pick the defending Pokémon.
Hi joffreyspikes,

Nice deck. Consider to use Guzma instead of Zoroark and Lysandre in this deck but retain bridgette to make the deck a lot more stable. Guzma allows you to switch the opponent`s active Pokémon with a Pokémon on the bench. if you do so you also have to switch your active Pokémon with one on the bench. it is in essence Escape Rope but allows you to pick the defending Pokémon.

I like what you are suggesting, but my problem is that it is not an infinite resource like Zoroark. Once the Guzmas and VS seekers have run out, they are just a bit of a waste of deck space. Zoroark just allows me to reliably switch every turn.
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You do not need an infinite switch. You use First Impression to ohko a defender and the deck also has Golisopod non-GX as an alternate attacker to take down stage one GX. Also note that Cut Cross Gx is an awesome attack that can be used too. Hide behind a Heracross and force the opponent to Guzma or Lysandre Golisopod GX out. With three Guzma and one Escape Rope the deck should have little issues to knock out Basic Pokémon GX and stage one Pokémon non-GX to draw prizes fast. Also note that four Vs Seeker are still viable to run in some decks. The main idea here is to combine Golisopod Gx with board disruption. Guzma, Escape Rope and Heracross will switch the defenders around which can be a pain for the defender on its own.
You do not need an infinite switch. You use First Impression to ohko a defender and the deck also has Golisopod non-GX as an alternate attacker to take down stage one GX. Also note that Cut Cross Gx is an awesome attack that can be used too. Hide behind a Heracross and force the opponent to Guzma or Lysandre Golisopod GX out. With three Guzma and one Escape Rope the deck should have little issues to knock out Basic Pokémon GX and stage one Pokémon non-GX to draw prizes fast. Also note that four Vs Seeker are still viable to run in some decks. The main idea here is to combine Golisopod Gx with board disruption. Guzma, Escape Rope and Heracross will switch the defenders around which can be a pain for the defender on its own.

What I'm aiming for in this deck is First Impression every single turn. Heracross is a great wall but pretty unnecessary, as attacking is much better. However, I didn't realise the great synergy Guzma and Golisopod have. Nevertheless, Zoroark is equally reliable, so I'm sticking with it for now. I saw your deck also based off Golisopod-GX that did use Guzma, and its really neat.
Sounds fine. Personally I like Guzma more since he can be searched out when needed and also acts as a Lysandre. Heracross is something to switch into when using Cut Cross GX. It is another means to obtain ohkos in addition to Golisopod non-Gx. use whatever attack is easier to use and still scores a ohko on the opponent. Zoroak means that you still need Float Stone to retreat and you are now running three stage one lines. To me that seems harder to use than Guzma.
Yeah this is the version of this deck I was thinking of when I first saw it. No reason not to put a couple Guzma in there too. Maybe Slim down Lurantis to a 2-2 line? You could go 4 DCE and take out two more grass energy too.
Yeah this is the version of this deck I was thinking of when I first saw it. No reason not to put a couple Guzma in there too. Maybe Slim down Lurantis to a 2-2 line? You could go 4 DCE and take out two more grass energy too.
You make a good point. I suppose the addition of Guzma would allow me to have a little bit more control over the game.
Sounds fine. Personally I like Guzma more since he can be searched out when needed and also acts as a Lysandre. Heracross is something to switch into when using Cut Cross GX. It is another means to obtain ohkos in addition to Golisopod non-Gx. use whatever attack is easier to use and still scores a ohko on the opponent. Zoroak means that you still need Float Stone to retreat and you are now running three stage one lines. To me that seems harder to use than Guzma.
I was thinking of switching to Zoroark as my Cut Cross GX go-to-guy as he can rattle off a Mind Jack for a DCE (which I'm running anyway). Alternatively, I can just retreat it for Golisopod. Heracross is a great wall, there is no denying that, and it will have opponents tearing their hair out when it comes out, but too many different type of Pokémon on the bench can make the deck clunky.
I was thinking of switching to Zoroark as my Cut Cross GX go-to-guy as he can rattle off a Mind Jack for a DCE (which I'm running anyway). Alternatively, I can just retreat it for Golisopod. Heracross is a great wall, there is no denying that, and it will have opponents tearing their hair out when it comes out, but too many different type of Pokémon on the bench can make the deck clunky.

I believe that one Lurantis and two Golisopod is all that will be needed. Now there will also be Tapu Lele GX since we use it to search out the basics turn one on usual. This leaves room for another Pokémon on the bench. Heracross and Tapu Koko are the ones i consider at the moment. My argument is that Zoroark also takes a bench slot which reduces the number of Lurantis that will be benched but I can see that he is a great attacker on his own.

In your list consider to loose Olympia for either a third N or one Professor Kukui. i would also like to fit in one or two Revitalizer but not sure what to take out.
I believe that one Lurantis and two Golisopod is all that will be needed. Now there will also be Tapu Lele GX since we use it to search out the basics turn one on usual. This leaves room for another Pokémon on the bench. Heracross and Tapu Koko are the ones i consider at the moment. My argument is that Zoroark also takes a bench slot which reduces the number of Lurantis that will be benched but I can see that he is a great attacker on his own.

In your list consider to loose Olympia for either a third N or one Professor Kukui. i would also like to fit in one or two Revitalizer but not sure what to take out.

Hello again, Dark Espeon, it has been a long time since talking about Alolan Ninetales-GX with Tapu Koko I believe, but back to topic. ^_^

What's the use of Heracross (BUS 11) in this deck? I have a copy and I'm reading it as I'm typing this and I don't see the use of it in his deck, so if you could explain the reason(s) of it usefulness in this deck, that would be great.

And did anyone realise that Revitalizer is still in format come September rotation, as it's from Generations? It can get back Heracross plus the Golisopod line. It could be worth testing.
I have a question with golisopod. Can it start out as my active Pokemon at the start of my turn then use zoroark to put it on the bench and then use guzma or something to put it back out? Does that count for the 120 damage? Or does it have to be on the bench at the start of the turn?
I have a question with golisopod. Can it start out as my active Pokemon at the start of my turn then use zoroark to put it on the bench and then use guzma or something to put it back out? Does that count for the 120 damage? Or does it have to be on the bench at the start of the turn?
Yup, you still get the bonus damage for that.
As a player and heavy tester of Golisopod. I say go with either the Zoroark and Float Stone build or the Lurantis promo build, as you want the deck to be consistent. Running both can come to inconsistent hands and therefore, not a fully enjoyable experience. But I have not tried the Lurantis promo build so I will need more testing done.

I have also tested 2 Tapu Koko promo into my build and it works a real treat, spreading damage around so Golisopod can get the much needed 1 hit KO and the free retreat is a nice added bonus that works with the deck's main strategy. Try it if inclined.

After more testing and with some time may upload my own deck list with tips and tricks and explaining my card choices, but that will take time. At least I have league tomorrow when typing this so I can do some more testing.