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Golurk/ Lilligant/ Cinccino Deck

The Pokéjester

Aspiring Trainer
Deck List:

3 Golett NV 71
2 Golurk NV 72
2 Throh BW 61
3 Petilil EP 13
1 Lilligant EP 14
2 Lilligant NV 5
1 Virizion NV 13
2 Minccino BW 88
2 Cinccino BW 89

2 Super Scoop Up
3 Switch
2 Cheren
2 Rocky Helmet
2 Energy Retrieval
2 Super Rod
2 Professor Juniper
3 Interviewer's Questions
2 Great Ball
2 Pokemon Communication
2 Pokemon Catcher

2 {C}{C}
8 {F}
8 {G}

Just been tweaking my new deck. I used a slightly different version of this deck in my local Cities Championship, and came 4th. Hopefully this deck will do better :)

Basic idea is Golurk Golurk Golurk. Get golurk out as soon as possible. The card is high cost, which explains the DC energy, which I can draw through Cheren/ Interviewers questions.

Whne Golurk is damaged, I can either:

switch him with NV Lilligant, and use Aromax. I can then use Super Scoop us on Lilligant and build it up again on my bench, or use switch.

Failing that, I would have to use Super Scoop Up on Golurk instead. Not a good option, but for Backup, EP Lilligant is great for status changes, Throh is good for power/ high HP/ and/or switching the opponent's pokemon around.

Circulating Golurk about the field is basically my strategy for the whole game, using NV Lilligant as a healer and EP Lilligant as an offensive card. I modified this deck to include Virizion as it is a powerful basic pokemon which also gives me greater draw power (you can never have too much.)

Whilst all this is going on, I use the other double colourless energy for a second Golurk, OR I build BW Cinccino on the bench and deliver a knock out low by using 'Do The Wave' with a full bench.

This deck is far from perfect, (for example I am wondering if I have too many trainers...) but I would love to hear some feedback/ advice which is greatly appreciated.
RE: Lilli/Gurk/Ino Deck

-2 Throh
-1 interviewers questions
-2 great ball
-2 grass energy
-1 fighting energy
-2 energy retrival

+1 double colorless
+2 pokemon communication
+3 pokemon collector
+4 N/ Professor oaks new theory

I took out cards that were not vital and added consistency trainers.
RE: Lilli/Gurk/Ino Deck

That option kinda scares me, cos I don't want too many trainers in the deck, but your choices are sound. I will try this out and see what happens :)
RE: Lilli/Gurk/Ino Deck

Trainers actually play an extremely important part in every deck, as they help you draw cards, do more damage, take Prize cards, etc. You are currently running only 24 Trainers, which, to be honest, is a tad bit low for a deck like this. I would definitely follow pikhu2000's advice for adding in those Trainer cards, as they help the deck setup.

Along with pikhu2000's advice, I'd look into taking out Interviewer's Questions, one Super Rod, and those three Super Scoop. You're running 15 Energy, assuming you're following pikhu2000's advice, which is already more than enough Energy with a strong draw support. Only one Super Rod is needed, and Super Scoop Up is unnecessary in a deck like this. I'd put in three Junk Arm, two PokeGear 3.0, and a Pokémon Catcher. PokeGear 3.0 helps you get some Supporter cards, which is helpful to draw more cards. Junk Arm lets you cycle through already-used Trainers such as PokeGear 3.0 and Pokémon Communication. Pokémon Catcher lets you take easy prizes. I'd also try to add in one or two more Pokémon Catcher and some PlusPower.
RE: Lilli/Gurk/Ino Deck

As it is, playing a deck with 32+ Trainers seems FAR too much, I appreciate some of the choices you have made, (for example I probably should run Pokemon Collector) but I would also like it known that I am fully aware of what Trainer cards are and what they do. (I didn't start playing pokemon yesterday, you know ;))

At the moment, what I can add is very limited, as all of my pre-BW cards were sold to my older brother last year; he is more into casual play/ collecting older cards.

Adding 4 N -- I get that one, N was in the original version of this deck. I reasoned that, used early game, N is a weaker form of Oak's New Theory. But, as I also have Professor Juniper in my deck, having 4 seems a tad too much. By swapping N for Juniper, I was hoping to draw more cards than with N. Obviously this has risks, as I would have to discard my hand. This is why I opted to add 1 more Supre Rod than before, as I would be able to get back what I had discarded.

I can manage with 2 interviewers, I see that. Super Scoop up is a card I don't often use, but I thought it useful at cities, as it is the entire basis of my strategy to bring out Golurk, completely heal Golurk, bring Golurk out again. By using Super Scoop Up on NV Lilligant instead of retreating it, I save on energy cards AND save on Switch too. SSU also gives me a useful get out option when my pokemon are dragged into play be an opponent's attack, or by an opponent's Catcher.

Junk Arm is a useful card, but IIRC you have to discard 2 cards from your hand to use it. Plus Power might be useful...

The Throh can go. They normally act as fodder, or to bulk up the number of pokemon in the deck. I usually find that having around 18 pokemon in the deck means that you are likely to have a nice number in the starting hand, which I like as it gives me something to latch onto so as to impliment my strategy. However, Throh isn't vital, as has been said. I can also get rid of 1 petilil and 1 NV lilligant.

If I am to take any of these changes on board, it will require a complete dismantling of the deck, then rebuilding from scratch IMO. I am thinking of removing the Virizion, as it was not in the original setup; I originally had Foongus/ Amoongus; as a player, I love to use status change, and I thought Amoongus coupled well with EP Lilligant's 'Bemusing Aroma'. I am not sure I want to use Foongus/ Ampoongus again, though. A lower cost card with more capabilities might bee Accelgor.

I will go through my deck tonight, and see what changes I can make by dismantling the deck, and building it around the 3 main pokemon again.
Using Lilligant as a form of healing doesn't seem too effective, plus it requires you to run {G} energy for it and in this format if you have to mix energy then it better be for an amazing effect. Here's an idea i'd like to throw at you

4-4 Golurk
2 Throh
2-2 Eletrode Prime
2 Victini (Ability)
1 Shaymin
1 Cleffa

Potentially set up a turn 2 Golurk with the help of Electrode Prime for energy acceleration which is a problem with Golurk. Victini is for Golurks second attack in case you hit some bad flips; Victini allows you to reflip for your attack. A second chance. Shaymin transfers energy around the board. Throh is just here because its a high HP basic though honestly if you can think of another pokemon to put in here then be my guest.

Pros to using Electrode
*Can potentially charge your active Golurk while helping to set-up benched Golurk
*Allows you to utilze Twins/Black Belt.

Cons to using Electrode
*gives your opponent a free prize
*You could "whiff" on the energy and grab just 1 or none.